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One of my father's friends stops by the house to check on me. He asks if everything is alright. I nod, even though something in the pit of my stomach tells me that everything isn't alright.

I want to tell him, but I know how foolish it would be. There's nothing I can do. He'd just think I'm a paranoid little girl. What's the worst that could happen in city jail? They are surrounded by guards. The worst that could happen as that they eat too much of the sawdust bread and have a few stomach cramps.

The man leaves after I assure him that yes, I do have plenty of food and I am locking all the doors and windows and of course I would just go to over one of my friends if I was feeling unsafe.

He doesn't know that I don't have any friends. I haven't met anyone my age worth my time. I'm perfectly content with my own company.

Of course, I don't tell the man this. He just asks if I am sure that I am okay one more time and I assure him that, yes, of course I am okay one more time. He leaves and I'm alone again with the horrible fear in the pit of my stomach.

And I tell myself that it is just paranoia but I don't believe myself.  

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