fifty two

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Is it possible that Diane can trust me after everything? Is this all just a trap of hers?

But, when you consider her history, I suppose it makes sense. Just as she was trying to escape her grandfather's history, I am trying to escape my mother's.

She eventually hangs up after we decide to call each other later tonight to come up with a plan on how we are going to save her life. If my mother gets her way, Diane only has four days left alive.

I don't have anything to do as I wait. I'm not allowed to leave the house. I'm not allowed to see my friends. I don't think I'm ever spent so much time alone.

Carlotta calls me. I answer it with a whispered tone, "Hello?"

She sighs. "Are you still grounded for that thing you won't tell us about?"

"Yes. Listen, Carlotta, I don't think I can talk about it. I don't think I can talk to you."

"We are missing you. There's a huge gaping hole in our friendship. Rosalina and I have spent the last few days together but nothing is the same. I guess this is just proof as to why none of us can ever move away."

"What about once you get your spot on the swim team?"

She's quiet, "I'm going to have to give it up."

I laugh, "No, you are not going to give that up. We will survive without you."

"I don't like how confident you sound about the fact that the friendship will continue without me. I am a key part in this friendship, Julia."

I smile into the phone, "I know, I know. I really miss you. So much."

"I'm going to come over today. With Rosalina."

"You can't. My mother will kill you."

"Well, at least we will all die together. See you in an hour."

I say, "Wait. Let me talk to my mother first. I've been on my best behavior. Maybe she'll take back that rule if I ask."

She says, "Go now. I will wait five minutes. If you don't call me back before then, I'm going to call Rosalina so that we can make plans on how to break into your home. If you don't call back in twenty minutes, I'm going to call the police so that they can investigate your murder. Understand?"

I sigh, "Okay. Five minutes."

"Five minutes."

I hang up and walk downstairs. My mother is still probably stressing out about the meeting today. I don't know if that is a good thing or not. Maybe she's too preoccupied with thinking about it that she won't care in the slightest if I have Rosalina and Carlotta over. Or, she will be so furious that she will yell at me for daring to come down to her office.

Carlotta didn't give me much of a choice to wait this out.

I knock lightly on the door.

My mother's exhaustion hangs to her voice, "Come in."

I enter the door and give her a bright smile, "Do you think Rosalina and Carlotta could come over? They are starting to question what happened. I'll be able to lie to them face to face, but not over the phone."

My mother stares at me for a few minutes before saying, "Yes, they can come over. For one hour. And then I don't want to see them for the rest of the day. Understand? Don't think I forgot all the rules I gave you. This is just a small break from them. After they leave, the rules will be back in place."

I nod and smile, "Thank you."

She shoos me out of my office and I hurry back to my room.

I check my phone. It's been six minutes, I call Carlotta anyway. Just as I suspected, she answers on the first ring. "Can we come or do we need to break in?"

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