v. the blue headpiece

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flashback (neverland)
pan trained jess to become a fierce warrior. she learned how to shoot an arrow with her eyes closed from miles away. jess also knew how to fight with a sword, tie traps, and even knew how to weaken others. in peter's eyes, she was the best fighter on the island.
when jess was fully trained, pan decided she would help lead the lost boys. the time came to reveal the reward. once the sun and the ocean met the horizon, pan met jess on skull rock. peter gave jess a blue headpiece with one single standing feather on its end. he explained to her that she was powerful (despite her knowing of her own magic) and that he needed her help to keep neverland growing. aside from felix, jess was one of pan's most trusted allies.
and from that moment on, jess was no longer jess, but princess tiger lily of neverland.
v short chapter lol soz

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