xviii. hospitality

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storybrooke (hospital) - henry, jess, regina, and emma.
her lifeless body lay there in the plain white hospital bed. a plastic bracelet was wrapped around her left wrist while wires clung onto her right. a monitor tracking the beat of her heart was planted to the right of her bed while a bag filled with clear liquid being hung stood at its left.

henry sat there with tears in his eyes that were full of regret. regretting that he shut her out. regretting leaving jess alone in the woods. regret that he didn't follow after her.

he didn't know how she ended up in the hospital, nor did she. before his arrival, he didn't even know where she was. you could say that an instinct pulled him towards there.

the boy's mothers stood on the opposite side of the clear window that separated jess' room. they were stood face to face with little agony. neither of them had an extreme liking for jess.

the 'evil queen' had minimal affection towards the girl because she was what drew henry away from her. although, she never told her son.

'the savior' did not have as much hate as her grandmother, who was also the boy's adoptive mother, but she still had minimal tenderness towards the girl. there was never a reason, she just never really liked her.

the two stood discussing with dr. whale, neither of them actually caring about their son's best friend.

"I've ran tests, and, what caused her to be in the state she is in now is not known," said the professional, "it seems to have been magic. because of that, i have do not have an estimated time for when she'll wake up."

"what a relief," said regina, who was shot a glare by emma. "what?" said the evil queen in an ignorant tone. after mugging regina, emma inherently walked into the room where her son stood.

"henry," said emma, who was cut off by her son. at this time, the boy's other mother also entered the room.

"it's all my fault. i shouldn't have left her alone in the woods. I should have followed her." said he while trying to set off the melancholy inside.

"henry, come on, we should go home. we'll pick up some granny's on the way, if you want." said regina, who was trying to pull her son away from his best friend. in all honesty, she preferred it when henry shut out jess. even with multiple love interests, henry still showed more tenderness to regina than any of them. but the case is different with jess.

"you can go. i need to stay here."

"henry daniel mills, i was not asking i need you to come home now or-"

"regina." emma said, cutting her grandmother off.

"i'm staying here." he said, looking down at his best friend's pale face.

regina grabbed her son's arm, but he fought it off. she did it again. and again. but he wouldn't budge.

'you know what, henry? if you won't come home, i will make you.' regina gave up and naturally went to the only option she had left. with the flick of her wrist, the three were replaced with red smoke, which returned them all back to the mayor's house.

the mayor's house - henry, regina, and emma.
the three stumbled back from their landing in front of the house's door.

"henry, i don't want you to hang out with jess." said regina staring straight at henry. a look of worry was planted on emma's face. for her, the hatred was slowly being drained out.


"i don't want you to hang out with jess. she's trouble, henry."

"no she isn't, she's just troubled." he said, defending his best friend. it was hard enough for him that jess did not want anything to do with him.

"henry, listen to regina."

"what? out of all people i could have trusted, i thought you would be one of them, mom."

"henry mills, you will not see that girl again."

he understood everything now. his moms weren't trying to protect him. they were trying to prevent him. they never liked her. they thought they knew the best for him.

well, they didn't.

without a word left to say, he ran up the stairs, into his room, and slammed the door.

meanwhile - peter pan and jess
a cloud of green smoke erupted as the three clouds of red smoke dissolved. the one who was brought by the green smoke now occupied the room, as well as the still unconscious one.

he took a seat where his grandson once sat and sighed, "is this what we have come to?" he said to absolutely nobody.

"hey, if the shoe fits." he heard a voice say. he broke his gaze from the girl. he faced towards the corner of the room to see the girl once laid in the bed. this time, dressed to perfect, and not in a hospital gown. not with a plastic bracelet around her wrist. not with wires attached to her arms. this girl wore a dress with round fringe placed along the top layering of her long sleeved beige dress, which was embroidered with pink chevron as a collar. this girl wore green boots with white outlining. this girl wore a blue headpiece with a single standing feather at its edge.

'what's happening? how? what?' peter pan thought to himself.

"how are you here?"

"I'm not really here, you loser," playful insults like this was what made his fondness towards the lost girl emerge. "you're imagining me, so whatever you want to say, say it now."

the first part was ignored by pan. he didn't care if she was real, or if she was fake, or even if she was his shadow in disguise. all he cares about was that she was really there.

"i need you to come to neverland with me. i miss you. look. I know I made a mistake-" at this point, peter pan was standing eagerly.

"I know. that's why I'm in your head right now. you need me."

"yes, YES, I do need you. you're the only one that makes me who I am. not the lost boys. not Felix. not even my son."

"we'll have to do something about that, then. won't we?"

pan's fragile expression on his face disappeared, as well as the girl. a devious once replaced it. he had a plan, and the first step slowly awaited as jess rises from her previous benumbed state.

WOWOWOWOOWOWOWOWOWOW this chapter is vvvv long
so comment if you're confused then I'll explain it lolololz
bUuuUuuuftttTttt PAN??????
^ aka rip
this is the longest chapter I've ever written omg
btw the title of the chapter is hospitality bc
1. they're in a hospital
2. everybody's lost it in this chapter oops
when you question your own fanfic
k I'm done

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