xiv. feelings

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the boy and the girl faced each other eye to eye. one pair of  eyes was erupted with fear and the other's gleamed with exhilaration.

the two bystanders didn't know what to do. they just stood there. one was crushed on the inside but the other was raging with envy.

as the taller boy reached out to touch the girl's shoulder as a sign of peace, she repelled his action. tiger lily stepped back in fear of being hurt again, for that was the last memory she had of what was her most trusted ally.

the native princess was still full of courage. the leader respected her for that. everything she did was with strength. he has yet to have seen her with such fear in her eyes, that is, until now.

once pan banished tiger lily from neverland, he instantly regretted it. the island became dull without her. the prophecy that ensured keeping the lost boys intact was an unknowing fate that jess was assigned.

he wasn't aware of it at the time, but peter pan now knows about his affection towards the young girl.

while she was in neverland it would have been inappropriate to date one who has just turned into double digits, but now that she was older, he had nothing to hide.

the taller, blonder bystander tugged on his leader's arms in order to remind him of why he, they, were in storybrooke. the brunette's lanky body responded with an unstable walk filled with stumbling. he couldn't have taken his eyes off of what he had just seen.

as the lost boys trotted off into the woods, the lost princess never broke eye contact with the two. tears brimmed her eyes with light sniffles. in the first time in four years, she had experienced what true pain really was. everything came back to her; she could have never forgotten the physical and emotional pain given from the boy who was being dragged away.

her best friend looked at her in a state of concern. he wanted to talk to her at the time, and he still does now, but about something that was more important; his best friend and she she felt.

he walked towards her, but she didn't budge. he took this opportunity to reach down and grab her hand, not as a significant other, but as one friend who was genuinely worried about another.

henry clutched jess', or rather, tiger lily's, hand in his. she stood there frozen with teary eyes. and at that moment, realized what true pain was. he felt what she did during his period without her. as a parallel to his best friend, he instinctively began to break down into tears.

"hey, i know how you feel, jess. do you want to talk? about anything? what about-"

a quiet and distinct whisper cut him off, "you know nothing about how i feel."

tiger lily removed the grasp of henry's hand on her's and walked alone with the bow and arrows that were given to her during 'the changing.' as she walked further and further into the core of the forest, more tears had emitted and her feelings of happiness and joy were being slowly drained until she became nothing.

and that's the ending of the story!!!!

and sorry for the cliffhanger oops
thanks for reading !!

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