xx. day one

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the hospital - storybrooke - henry & jess
the day before her awakening
he looked down at her, sat in the hospital room, and disobeyed his mothers' instructions.

he didn't care, though.

he grabbed her hand. it was cold, but he didn't care.

at this point, he cared about nothing except for jess. he stood and took out his phone to ring one of his grandmothers, of course, the one with more researching skills. the other one might just tell her daughter.

"hey, henry, what's up?" said his grandmother, belle, on the opposite said of the phone.

"um, can you, come meet me outside of the hospital?"

"is everything alri-"

"yeah, it's fine. wait, no it's not? i-i um I just need,"

"i'm  on my way."

within fifteen minutes, belle arrived at the hospital and met henry.

"hey, what's up? i know jess is in the hospital, poor girl, she was always one i could talk to. i haven't seen her for a while," belle glanced down as she took a step towards the main entrance, but when she looked up, she saw henry with a river in his eyes.

"oh, i'm sorry henry, i-i didn't realize how sensitive this is for you," his grandmother directed him towards a bench next to the opposite doors, "here, sit."

henry wiped his tears. 'i can't mope right now. i have to tell her.' he thought to himself.

"um, grandma-"

"belle, call me belle." she said with a slight chuckle.

"belle," Henry corrected himself, "there's something I need to tell you, and I'm not sure who else I should tell. I came to you because I know you know so much about the world." he glanced up and she nodded at him.

"the day I came to the shop, to ask for magic, I ran after jess. I found her in the woods, but she wasn't jess? she wore completely different clothing and a feather on her head."

"tiger lily, from neverland. henry i thought you knew this?"

"i do, but when she came down from the tree she sat in, she was wearing her tiger lily apparel. ever since then she has been acting differently. she has been acting more like her than jess. anyways, after she came down the tree she sat in, pan was hiding in a bush behind me. i didn't know he was there."

'see what you did? if you would have been more careful you would have seen pan and none of this would have happened you're an ignorant, unknowing, dumb friend who-'

"pan is alive?" belle questioned her grandson, who was cut off from thinking anymore bad thoughts.

"sort of... he said that he used a potion to keep himself alive, but he said he needed my heart to live, and he intended to take it or else-"

"HENRY, no! you can't!" she was standing up at this point. words were absent in her mind. shock was filling up her body.

he looked down again, not prepared to say what would come next. this time, he let the tears flow. his breathing became harder, and sniffles became louder.

henry looked up and caught the attention of his grandmother, who was now pacing in front of him.

"-or else he would take jess."

meanwhile - peter pan - the hospital
he sat in the chair he was once in. he mimicked his actions of looking down at her, all the memories coming back to mind. from the time he trained her to the time she help him in a battle to the time he saved her from hook.

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