xvi. dé·jà vu

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setting - unknown [ jess (as tiger lily) ]
after miles of walking into the middle of nowhere, she finally found an empty space to gather her thoughts.

as tiger lily, she was a fierce warrior.

as jess, she was a compassionate teenager.

she was usually never as self conflicted as she was now since most of her qualities of being jess were drained and her qualities of being tiger lily flooded.

when she is as jess, she can be usually be found doing the typical teenage girl things- picking out what to wear and keeping up with the latest celebrity drama.

when she is as tiger lily, she would be found hunting or training. sometimes, she would even practice the art of magic.

being isolated and alone is one thing she nailed. through not the greatest quality, she still obtained it. she knew the consequences of becoming too attached; for they have been shown through her parents, but at the time she was too young to even know what was going on. but as she progressed and developed, she understood the importance of self-empowerment.

'why is he here'
'i should not fear him. I can not fear him.'
'talk to henry. he's your best friend.'
'why couldn't I look away?'

jess' thoughts surrounded her. she paced back and forward from tree to bush to log. she couldn't sit still. soon enough, a cloud of some sort of blue magic appeared above her head.

the blue magic was something that always appeared when she was lost in thought, as in, major thought. not the type of thinking you do before a test, or when you're hungry. it's the type of thinking that comes when you're torn between two worlds, or when you need to find an answer that could not be even more invisible that already was.

setting - somewhere in the woods (felix)
he watched her pace from left to right with her head hung low. the feather embroidered in the blue headpiece stayed stiff upon her head.

he noticed the cloud above her head, and inferred it was the perfect time for a sneak attack, for she was too distracted to notice him.

felix was hidden behind a bush with his trusty crossbow next to him. it was planned perfectly; he shot the arrow past tiger lily and caused a distraction, which only lasted a few seconds considering he had enough time to grab her.

before she knew it, tiger lily's arms were pinned above her head with her body pressed against a tree. her mental thoughts caused a weakness. she was pressed against a tree by a hooded boy, and at that moment, she realized that whatever pan had planned for her was no match for what was happening right now.

-arrow again-
so i decided to update early lol
so yeah I'll do the sequel!!
this story has an estimation of 5-10 more chapters depending on how in depth I want to be with them lolz
sOooOoooOo there may be more lol

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