xii. the shop

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jess (storybrooke)
as henry's lips pushed against mine, I used my hand to trace the door behind me. i stopped until i felt and door handle.
as the door opened realization hit me.
and i ran.
and more.
and more
until I hit the forest.
storybrooke (third person point of view )
after jess' escape, henry shot out of the door right for her.
he didn't care that he looked like a mess.
he didn't care that he might see his ex-girlfriend again.
he didn't even care that he didn't have shoes on.
but jess was too fast for henry. after panting and panting, he found himself in the middle of the street across from his grandfather's shop.
'desperate times come for desperate measures' henry thought to himself. he swore to never use magic on the ones he loved, but he didn't want to lose her again.
everyone you could have thought of was inside mr. gold's shop.
"he's been laying in his bed for days," regina tries to explain to emma and gold, "i just want him to feel okay again,"
"to be accepted" belle replied as she cut off regina.
anger grew inside of regina. she knew her son better than anyone else in the whole town. she did not want anyone to make accusations about henry unless they were true.
of course, regina had nothing against belle, she was just acting in her motherly instincts.
regina was about to explode to belle, but the noise of the entrance door swinging open stopped her.

henry ignored all the familiar faces staring at him. once he stepped in the shop, he headed straight to the counter where his grandfather stood.
through his panting henry came to realize something, and that something was one thing that he knew would cause him more trouble, but he was willing enough to do what he longed for.
henry realized that he could not live without jess. even in those enumerous hours without her, he would still think about her. and when henry connected with jess earlier that day, he felt that he could never lose her ever again. henry loved her; a real type of love. almost as much as a little kid at disneyland.
when jess ran from henry, it proved to him that he was losing her. when jess avoided henry at granny's it proved to him that he was losing her. everything he did since he dated violet caused jess to become more distant from henry.
and he didn't want that.
henry looked straight into his grandfather's dark eyes. mr. gold felt a vibe saying 'please help me' coming from henry.
and he was right. the room stood in complete silence when henry asked for what he believed would bring him closer to his best friend.
henry leaned in, and in a low whisper only loud enough for his grandfather to hear, he said, "i need magic."
but comment what you think will happen next!!!!

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