vii. the left behind

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flashback - the enchanted forest (jess)
there once was a prophecy that there would be a special girl. she would grow up to be a powerful sorceress and a trained warrior. the thing about the prophecy was that the girl would never be able to find ones that love her.


a cloud of purple smoke reigned over a small cottage in the woods. in there lived a husband and his other, and a newborn baby girl. that cloud of smoke was not sent by anyone, nor was it seen, but it was there.
the smoke ran under the sole door of the cottage and crept into the family's single bedroom. at that moment, the baby girl was asleep, but her parents were not. the magic in the smoke was brought into her parents, and they came to a sudden realization. of course, what they realized was all artificial, thanks to the dark magic holding the parents against their daughter.
the young girl's parents saw her as pure evil, as a mistake. they were convinced that there would be a day where the little girl would go to all means to slay her parents. the baby's father looked at her with a mixture of disgust and fear, and did her mother.

it was a night filled with grey skies and showers of rain shooting from the sky. at that time, all the residents living in the same village were asleep, except for the little girl's. she was wrapped in a wool blanket made by her mother. the little girl's mother felt guilty of leaving her. she felt that whatever she had against her daughter wasn't real, but she didn't want to risk her life on false hope.
her father held a clear bean in his hand, which was dropped off with the smoke (which he still wasn't aware of). as his wife reluctantly placed their first child next to a tree, the man clutched the one bean in his right hand. he intertwined his fingers with his wife's and threw the bean onto the dirt-filled floor. it instantly turned into what looked like a green tornado underground. when they took a leap into the magical bean portal, the little girl's father thought of a place where he could start a new life with his wife, a place where they would be able to not be found by their child.
on the other side of the portal stood a place where no magic could be held. the couple fell on their stomachs onto the hard ground of the new empty world informs of them. at that point, they felt regret tingling in their fingers. they realized that whatever overwhelmed them back in the enchanted forest was gone. they realized that all the disgust and fear that was once in them was fake. they also realized that they would never be able to see their daughter again.
haven't updated in forever lol soz

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