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Okay, so this has nothing to do with mettle, or Jess, or Henry, but about Tiger Lily. As originated as a native character, she is a person of color. Yes, she does have a small role in Peter Pan, but she is a part of the representation of her race in the media. I recently came upon a story on Wattpad, I won't say it's name, that reversed Tiger Lily's story around. The writer showed her as a non-native princess with a White face claim. I am not against any race at all, but I am against whitewashing. Since Tiger Lily is a native and a person of color, she should stay that way. One of the main reasons why I don't have a face claim for Jess is because I just couldn't find the right one. And I have seen many that appealed to me, but they just didn't fit. Anyways, Tiger Lily should be kept as a person of color, at the least. If a story has her with a white face claim, please use another character!!!! I know this may not make sense, and it may not be that important, but I couldn't stress it enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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