xxii. deals

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the hospital
"you're awake!" the smiling boy said.

the girl looked at him, but noticed a cloud of green smoke behind him. after netting the boy's eyes, she met the green ones past him.

there stood a lonely, lost boy. he had a heart full of selfishness, that was for sure, but a spark of love was held inside. when his eyes landed on her awakened body, he became speechless.

"what do you want, pan?" his grandson asked, well, more like demanded.

he opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. his eyes were locked on her's. he took a step; becoming closer by the second.

henry pushed his hand out to prevent pan from taking another step. it was a restraint. pan broke his gaze from the girl laying in the hospital bed and down at the boy's hand. he grabbed it and dragged the boy out of the room.

"I'll make you a deal." pan said worriedly.

"I'm listening." the boy responded.

"I'll give you until the time she is released from the hospital to make your decision."

"but? there has to be something to weigh this upon. you wouldn't just let me. there has to be a catch." the boy kept rambling on and on until pan stopped him.

"no buts. you just need to give me the rest of the day with her," it was already sundown. emma and regina had gone home, and henry hasn't eaten all day.

"fine." henry walked past pan and back into 1053.

"I'll see you tomorrow." he whispered to her. henry kissed is best friend's forehead and walked out the door staring at pan. as he left, jess used her eyes to follow him out of the room

"hey." peter pan's delicate voice said to neverland's princess. jess still had little energy left in her system; therefore, she could not have responded. even if she did have the power to respond, she would not. she felt like being alone.

pan frowned, not at jess, but at himself. he caused her so much pain, it hurt him to even think about it. ever since jess was banished, his life became grey.

he sat down once again, and held her hand. her hands were cold, but his were sweating. she looked down at the sudden action, and tried to pull her's back, but less energy meant less interest.

"sir, visiting hours conclude in five mintues." said a frightened nurse. being a normal resident in storybrooke having to tell a villain what to do is not the most enchanting thing to do.

"okay, thank you." peter pan kindly responded to the nurse, which surprised her. pan, on the other hand had no intentions of acting evil in front of jess, since he was trying to draw her back to neverland.

innumerable thoughts went through his head. he only had five minutes to say what he needed to her, but he had too much in mind; he did not know where to start.

in fact, he didn't start. all he could do was stare at her. to him, it felt like time went by in a second, but jess, on the other hand, felt like it took an eternity for the nurse to return.

"sir, visiting hours are over."

as soon the notifying nurse left the doorway, peter pan stood up, following his grandson's actions. he landed a peck on her forehead, and for some reason, her energy had returned.

he turned his back towards her and walked out the room until he heard her speak.

"I know about your deal with Henry."

and with that, she fell back asleep, and peter pan, once out of his whole lifetime, was scared.

'notifying nurse' im laughing
if you have seen red band society the white room is kind of like where leo (and the other girl who's name I forgot oops) went when they were unconscious and having surgery and saw Charlie
so yeah

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