xiii. back to oneself

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storybrooke -jess
jess' feet hit the hard ground beneath her one by one as an attempt to escape. everything was coming back to mind; she didn't want to fall through another trap.

jess didn't know how to feel. literally. since she's been alone for so long, feelings of love and happiness have drained from her soul until they were able to be gained back.

she felt an upcoming tingling sensation, and before she could have controlled it, she regretted even running from it.

as jess levitated in the air, golden particles circled around her. her arms were spread out wide, and the particles caused jess' to change. her maroon cardigan turned into a beige top and her black boots turned into green ones.

when jess descended back to land, she felt an irritation in her head. she raised her and to scratch it, but instead, she felt a type of material sitting on top of her. in confusion, she pulled it down, but what appeared in front of her was something she never thought she would see twice.

the blue headpiece.

storybrooke -henry
'i need magic'
everyone turned to henry in shock.

"hey, you sure, kid? magic is a powerful thing; once you have it, you may regret asking for it." said his mother.

"no. henry daniel mills, i love you, you know that. and I love you enough to tell you that magic is too much for you to handle" his other mother said.

by the time he has a chance to say anything himself, everyone had been muttering amongst themselves about henry's decision. some even tried to persuade him.

he rolled his eyes, though.

"as i was saying, i need magic to find jess," he tried to explain to his grandfather, "a locater spell. or something."

after pleading and pleading, mr. gold finally obliged. he instructed henry to find something of her's and pour 'this potion' onto it and eventually, that something would find its way back to its owner.

storybrooke - peter pan & felix
they watched the young boy travel through the forest alone. he was trying to locate something, pan inferred, or more importantly, someone.

this is the day, pan thought, that i would finally get that heart. the heart of the truest believer, and nothing will get in my way.

pan and felix followed closely behind henry. little that they knew that what henry was tracking would, in fact, get in their way,

the floating object approached a tree, came to a halt, and fell down. the boy sighed, "hey, i know you're up there," he yelled, "just please, i-we- need to talk."

felix looked at pan in disbelief, but the bravery pan showed banished that thought. ever since tiger lily left the island, pan has become more orderly to keep neverland in place. the only reason why they weren't in neverland was because pan was dying, along with the island.

"i won't leave until you come down, and i mean it." this made pan wonder. 'what if this someone can be used against him?'

a few minutes later, she came down from the tree she once occupied. when she landed, one knee was on the floor and her head was tucked. her figure was blocked by the boy, but after she stood up, she was shocked by what was in front of her.

she walked past henry and behind a bush to where the lost boys previously hid. his eyes met her's, but the other boy's eyes mugged her with anger.

they're finally reunited !1!1!1!1
but henry wYD??????
but yeah anyways i felt like updating lol

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