ix. the one that got away

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a/n: this chapter may be disturbing (it's not that bad but idk) so skip it and read the note at the end that will explain this chapter

neverland (years ago)
the cold wind swept past her chained hands. as she shuddered against the standing log she was bonded to, she winced in pain from the magic that held the cuffs together. she stood there for a countless amount of time, considering time was stopped, and her legs were about to give up. when the bag that was once placed over her head was removed, a tall boy with blonde hair and a hood in front of her.
"why did you bring me here?" the helpless girl questioned. the cuffs around her wrists stopped the magic inside of her.
"you see, princess, before you came here i was always pan's right hand. he always trusted me more than anyone else. and when you came to this island and showed you were worthy of living here, pan completely shut me out. he put all of his attention to you." the blonde boy said with jealously rising through his veins.
"so, to figure this whole 'problem' out, i, well, I came to a solution."
before the girl had time to think about his words, she felt a fist come in impact with her face.
blood streamed from her bruised lip. she was about to give out until she heard a familiar voice.
"what's this?" their leader questioned
she knew pan was not gullible. whatever felix told him would not be believable enough.
"i found her trying to escape." he said. he was trying to regain pan's trust, but how could he do that from just one lie?
but pan was too focused on the blood rolling down the young girl's face to find out what really happened.
and what happened next amazed the girl.
he was angry, for sure, but he didn't know what about. he believed felix's hoax, but he didn't know if he could be trusted.
the demon inside of him arrived as his bright green eyes turned into dark black coals. it took over his body. he finished felix's actions for him.
when he was done, the girl before him turned into a complete mess. blood stained her clothing; eyes barely opened; the desire to just collapse.
the boy returned, but what stood in front of him could not return to its original state. loud sobs combined with desperate breaths of air escaped her body as she fell to the floor when the cuffs were taken off.
the next morning she really was gone. everything that happened flashes in her mind, from felix to pan and to when pan executed her hours before she was sent to the enchanted forest.
she could hardly walk, but she did. a rope was tied tightly around her bruised lips. when brought back to camp with the ones she had trusted, all of her companions eyes traced her.
"boys! standing here stands one of our most trusted allies. but now, she can not be. hours earlier, she was spotted, by felix, trying to escape. i am sure many of you heard the screams coming from the distance. since 'princess' wanted to leave the island so badly, so be it. let her grow alone again."
when announced that the princess was banished from neverland, tension in the air grew. some lost boys' eyes enlarged with terror. others grew suspicious. they knew felix was jealous of her, but none of them had the courage to defend the one they just lost.
sOOO if you didn't fully read the chapter:
jess (aka tiger lily) gained more trust from peter than felix did with peter. felix became jealous of her and had the great idea of banishing Jess from neverland. the only was that could happen,though, was for pan to do that. so, felix tied up jess and beat her until pan noticed. felix lied to pan saying that Jess was trying to leave (which she wasn't). this made pan turn against Jess so she was banished and Felix became more trustworthy to Peter than her.
I hope this made sense :///

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