xv. relatives.

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storybrooke - henry and peter (the forest)
"peter pan," with a sigh, "peter pan, peter pan"

a cloud of green smoke appeared behind him as a summoning of one of the most powerful in all the realms.

"well, well, isn't it my great grandson?"

"look, pan, why are you-"

"i know you like jess. i love her. you've known her for four years. i've known her for centuries-"

"until you drew her away from yourself, from the lost boys, from neverland," in a slight whisper, "from me." at this point, henry was not referencing about neverland, but about his great grandfather.

pan scolded 'the truest believer.' as much as he wanted, needed, to fight, he didn't. his method was to get close to henry, once again, and trick him into his own death. of course, that was before he discovered his great grandson had such affection towards the one he also loved.

'a loophole' pan thought. he could find a way to both henry's heart and jess', tiger lily's, return.

"to answer your question," pan said bluntly,"i came here for princess tiger lily, or who you call, jess." which was certainly a lie.

at this point, henry's hands were shaking, sweat beading at his forehead; he was too worried about everything going on.

'where is jess?'
'i shouldn't be here alone with pan.'
'why aren't my moms calling to see where i am?'

"you will never get to jess." henry confidently said without stuttering, which surprised both of the two.

'he's getting sharper. more intelligent. i need a loophole'

"yes, of course, 'prince henry of storybrooke' has come to save the damsel in distress, oh, wait-" pan said in a mocking tone. "the 'damsel in distress' doesn't need a prince. or a knight. not even an author can help her. she can save herself. it's what she does." 

back in neverland, jess lived in a treehouse by herself. it was the way she grew up. nobody in the enchanted forest cared enough to pamper her after her parents left into another world. after she taught herself to survive, everyone feared her, either that or they looked at her like a freak. she was an isolation in her village. she had no friends, that was, until she came to neverland, but eventually was banished.

"i, out of all people would know that." he said in a low whisper only audible to himself.

both felt hurt on the inside, but refused to show it on the out.

henry, being in a line of royalty, knew that, even though he was a prince, nothing would make his life complete without jess. the thing was, jess was never weak enough to need a hero to save her. she would never fall weak in the knees for desperation of help. she was too strong to need the completeness of another.

pan, being a leader, could not have lead better without her. she made neverland brighter. when in neverland, pan would focus less on training and surviving and magic, but more on the beauty of her personality. with every hit that came upon her before the act of banishing, a mere voice in his head told him to stop, but the monster inside him could not have restrained his actions. the whole time during tiger lily's punishment her inner strength would grow and grow until who she turned into today. it was evident that she was one of the strongest beings in all the realms.

the two stood in silence, that was, until henry felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

text message from mom (regina): 'hey, you've been out longer than i expected, and i need you to come home.'

he sighed as a relief. he was ready to go home; to relax. he stomped back to the direction of the center of storybrooke.

"so is that it?" the great grandfather asked.

-insert arrow bc it won't paste lol-
this ended up being longer than i expected it to be lol and I had no idea where this was going oops

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