Chapter One

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"Hey, guys! Welcome to another edition of Jessie's Corner! As always, I'm Jessie. Today, I'm playing one of my favorite games, and if you've been watching me for a while, you're probably tired of it. I'm a huge wrestling fan, so I'm going to be playing WWE 2K15."

Jessie pressed Start.

"All right, first I have to choose a match type," She said. "How about...Extreme Rules? Yeah, let's do that." She clicked on it. "Now I have to choose a Superstar. Hmm..." She looked through them and finally stopped on Xavier Woods. "I know I'm always John Cena, but that's just because he always kicks out at two, which means I always win. But, actually, Xavier Woods is my favorite wrestler right now. He's just great. He's got a great personality, he's great in the ring, and have you seen that trombone?" She laughed. "Anyway, now I have to choose an opponent. How about Brock Lesnar?" She moved over to him. "In my dream world, Xavier Woods wins all his matches and beats everyone, including the Beast Incarnate himself, BRRRROCK LEEEESNAR." She laughed again. "How did you like my Paul Heyman impersonation?"


"Keep. It. Tight."

Austin ended the video. He looked over at Cody, who had stood up to leave before the video ended, but was currently standing behind the camera.

"Thanks for being on the show," Austin said.

"I love Star Wars," He said, no longer in character. "Thanks for having me. But I really do have to go..."

"Okay, see you around, Cody."

Austin assumed Cody's wife was waiting for him, so he didn't ask. As Cody walked away, Austin turned around to look at Kofi, who had walked into the room shortly after the video had ended.

"You ready?" Kofi asked.

"Yeah, let's go," He said, standing up. He looked at the other men in the room – Brad Maddox, Jimmy Uso, and Murph. "Don't touch my stuff, okay? I'm putting everything up when we're done with the match, so I don't want you guys breaking anything."

"Us? Break something?" Jimmy asked. "Austin, do you know who you're talking to?"

"Yeah, so don't touch my stuff."

Kofi laughed as he and his tag team partner walked away. Gorilla was just down the hall, where Big E was already waiting for them. Their opponents – the Dudleyz – were making their way to the ring. Austin quickly grabbed his trombone, and their music played.

"And their opponents: the New Day!" JoJo announced.


After the match, which the New Day won before running away to avoid being put through a table, they were heading backstage. Austin led the way to the room he had filmed in, with Kofi and Big E following behind him. When he made it to the room, Brad, Jimmy, and Murph were where he left them, but now they were all on their phones.

When Austin walked in, they all glanced up from their phones, then back down. Austin looked over at his equipment and frowned.

"Where's the microphone?" He asked.

Brad looked up. "What?"

"The microphone," He repeated. "Where is it?"

"There was a microphone?" Jimmy asked.

"Guys, seriously, give me my microphone," Austin said.

"How do you know one of us has it?" Murph asked.

"If I don't get the microphone, I'm shoving this trombone so far up – "

"Whoa, whoa!" Jimmy said. He walked to the other side of the room. He picked the microphone up from behind a chair and brought it over to Austin. "You gotta use that trombone tomorrow night. Don't go shoving it somewhere you don't want it."

Kofi began laughing.

"He does have a point," Big E pointed out, smirking.

Austin rolled his eyes and began putting his things away. Jimmy ended up leaving because he had a match coming up, Murph had to go handle something backstage, and Brad decided he was hungry and left. Big E and Kofi remained, waiting for Austin so that they could head back to the hotel.

Once he finished, Austin followed Kofi and Big E out of the room and out of the arena.

When they made it back to the hotel, they checked in. Since they were a tag team, they shared a room. However, they quickly realized that with three of them, there was a lot of arguing about who got a bed, so they took turns getting a room to themselves. This week, Austin was by himself, so Kofi and Big E got on the elevator, while Austin was on the first floor.

Once he put his things away and took a shower, he sat on his bed. He went on Twitter and noticed he had a lot of tweets with the same link. A few people had mentioned him in reply to a tweet, so he clicked on the tweet. It was from someone named Jessie Collins.

atJessiesCorner: Hey guys! Just posted a new video where I play WWE 2K15 (again...) Yes, I know I have a problem. Leave me alone!

She added a link to the end of the tweet. Austin still couldn't figure out why people were tagging him on this girl's tweet, so he clicked the link and decided to watch the video.

As he watched the fifteen minute video, he realized why. She had chosen to play as him during the game, even claiming that he could beat Brock Lesnar. He realized that she was actually funny, and she had 70,000 subscribers. She deserved more, He thought. He knew compared to other channels, he didn't have a lot, either, but this girl actually looked like she knew what she was doing.

He watched a few more of her videos, then went to sleep. He definitely wanted to talk with this girl, whether it was about wrestling or video games, but right now, he was exhausted after his match, so sleep came first.


I posted the idea for this in Story Ideas, but I've changed the name from Video Games to Irresistible.  It's named after a Fall Out Boy song that was also the theme for Extreme Rules.  I actually know this song, as opposed to the Lana del Ray song Video Games.  Also, I saw someone else with a story called Video Games, and I didn't want it to look like I stole it or anything. :)

Also, I'm going to try and include actual videos from UpUpDownDown.  In this chapter, I included the end of the video he made with Stardust/Cody Rhodes.  I'll include the video at the top if you want to watch it.  The chapter might make more sense, but it's your choice.  Even if you don't like gaming videos, it's still pretty awesome. :)

Well, let me know what you think of this chapter!  Xavier Woods has stolen my heart, and even if no one likes it, I'll probably keep writing it. :P

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