Chapter Three

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Disclaimer: I own no one but my OCs, Jessie and Cheyenne.  Everyone else (well, Xavier Woods) belongs to the WWE.


Hey! I really like your channel, and I'd love to have you on mine! DM me back if you're interested.

Jessie sat at her desk, unable to tear her eyes away from the computer screen. Xavier Woods had just DM'd her on Twitter asking to make a video with her (at least, she assumed he was behind the UpUpDownDown Twitter, as she couldn't be sure).

Cheyenne was in a class, and would be extremely busy the rest of the day, so she couldn't text her about this. Jessie had a day off, so she had plenty of time to figure out how to reply without sounding like a fangirl. She didn't want him to change his mind all because she couldn't keep her cool.

She decided she was going to play Minecraft again, so she could vent to her viewers, instead of keeping it all inside and driving herself crazy.

She pulled up Minecraft, put on her headset, and began recording.

"Hey guys!" She greeted. "I know I just played Minecraft the other day, but I'm playing it again because I need to vent. This game doesn't take too much skill, so it's easier to vent, you know? I don't even know if you guys like my Minecraft videos, so leave a comment letting me know if you do or not."

Jessie stopped talking for a second, so she could get the game started.

"Okay, so remember how I mentioned that Xavier Woods – the best wrestler ever – mentioned me on Twitter?" She asked. "Well, he just DM'd me, asking if I wanted to be on his channel! I haven't replied yet, because I know I'd sound like a crazy fangirl, and I don't want that. And playing Minecraft and talking to you guys calms me down, so that's why I made another Minecraft video."


I'd love to make a video with you! I live in the Los Angeles area, so whenever WWE is nearby, we can meet up!

Austin smiled. He was preparing to make a video with the girl he'd recently discovered on YouTube. Most of his videos were with other WWE wrestlers and employees, but he had made a few with other YouTubers. If he got Jessie on his channel, she'd be only the second woman he'd featured in a video. He just had Sasha Banks on, and soon he'd have Jessie.

The WWE was still in North Carolina, and Big E and Kofi had invited him to go do something (honestly, he wasn't really sure what they were talking about), but he had opted to stay behind so he could work on some things for his online classes.

And, while he did do a little bit of work, he mostly had been on Twitter, awaiting Jessie's response. Now that she had messaged him back, though, he had to reply then get back to work before he fell behind.


Once Jessie uploaded her Minecraft video, she began looking at comments on her past videos and Twitter, so she could decide what to play next. After some reading, she realized that a lot of people really liked when she played Grand Theft Auto V, so she decided to play it, because it had been about a month since the last time she played it.

It was getting late in the day, but she didn't plan on uploading her video until the next day, so she wasn't in any rush. She got her game and put it in the computer, put on her headset, and began recording.

When she was halfway through recording, she had to stop because someone (probably Cheyenne) was blowing up her phone. She pulled it out of her pocket, and she saw she had a couple of texts from none other than Cheyenne.




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