Chapter Twenty-Four

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Jessie and Cheyenne were in Seattle.

Neither of them had been before, but neither of them could stay longer than a day, as Jessie had to go back to work, and Cheyenne had school.

The only places they'd more than likely get to see were the airport and the arena.

Jessie had texted Big E first, hoping to get some help planning her trip. When she realized that he wouldn't be any help, and would just send her voice memos of him either screaming or laughing in response to everything she said, she decided to text Kofi instead.

Kofi, she learned, was much better at helping. He told her what time she should get to the arena, where they would be, and anything else she needed to know.

They pulled up to the arena, and as they stepped out of the car, she texted Kofi.

They had decided that if he or E were to leave, Austin might get suspicious, so he was going to send someone else.

As they walked, Jessie read his response, and she didn't look up until she heard Cheyenne speak.

"Well, well, well," She said. "If it isn't the man who stole my name."

If that didn't give away who was in front of them, his cackle did. Jessie looked up to see Seth Rollins standing near one of the back entrances to the arena.

"Oh, so this is just how you always act," Seth said, and Jessie couldn't help but laugh at that.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Cheyenne asked, frowning.

"You're very... over-confident," He said.

Cheyenne looked at Jessie, who just said, "He's right. You are."

"That's not a bad thing or anything," Seth added. "You just say very bold things to people who could beat you up."

"To people who could easily beat you up," Jessie corrected.

"Well..." Cheyenne trailed off.

"Oh my god, she doesn't know what to say," Seth said.

"That's literally never happened before," Jessie told him.

"Can we just go inside?" Cheyenne asked. For the first time that Jessie could remember, she didn't want to dwell on herself.

"Yeah, all right."

Seth turned around, and the two security guards standing outside opened the doors. He lead Jessie and Cheyenne inside, and the doors shut behind them.

"I think they were getting ready to film something when I left," He told them.

As they walked down the hallway, none other than Sasha Banks walked past. She didn't say anything - she barely acknowledged the three of them - but she had a smirk on her face, like she had just destroyed Izzy's hopes and dreams.

By this point, Cheyenne had finally started missing the attention being on her, so as she argued with Seth about whether she could beat him in a real fight or not, Jessie wondered if she was the only one who noticed not just Sasha, but the expression on her face.

The further they walked down the hall, the louder the voices in one of the rooms got. She recognized the voices as the members of The New Day, and at first, she thought maybe they were in a very intense game of something. The closer they got, though, she realized that they were having an actual argument.

"...boy, wipe that lipstick off your face!" She heard Kofi exclaim.

The three of them stopped in front of the open door. Austin's back was to them, and he was bringing his hand to his face. Kofi and E stood in front of him, and when Kofi looked back at Jessie with a sad look on his face, Austin turned around.

Jessie turned and started walking back the way she had just come.

"Jessie?" Austin sounded surprised.

She didn't stop walking.


His voice was closer this time, and when she felt his hand on her shoulder, she finally turned to look at him.

"Is this why she doesn't like me?" She asked him. She couldn't decide whether to cry or start yelling.

"Who? What are you talking about?"

"Sasha," She replied. "I saw her as we came in, and that's obviously her lipstick on your face. Is Sasha your side piece or something? Am I your side piece?"

"No, of course not."

"So, tell me what's going on then," Jessie said. "Because she obviously hates me, she's obviously been kissing you, and you're gonna have to try extremely hard to make me believe anything that comes out of your mouth right now."

"I don't even know what's going on!" He exclaimed. "If I did, I'd tell you."

"That's what you're going with?"

"I was going to film something with Kofi, and we were setting everything up," He explained. "Sasha came in, and she offered to help, so we let her. Seth came by for a little bit, and when he left, she decided to leave, too. I thought she was going for a hug, but suddenly, she kissed me."

"She kissed you and then just left?" She asked, putting her hands on her hips and raising an eyebrow.

"I know it sounds like I made it up, but I swear to god it happened," He told her.

"It's true..." Kofi spoke up. He, along with Seth and Cheyenne, had been standing a few feet back, watching everything unfold. He sounded reluctant to share the information, like he didn't want side with Austin.

"See?" Austin said, gesturing toward his friend.

"Hey, I will add that you didn't even try stopping her or pushing her back," Kofi added.

Jessie blinked back tears, and she looked at her friend. "Come on, Cheyenne, let's go home."

She began walking away, and Cheyenne followed suit.

"Jessie - " Austin began, but stopped when Cheyenne turned to look at him.

"I may not be able to beat him," She pointed at Seth, "in a real fight, but I will gladly beat your ass if you say one more thing."

She turned around, and caught up to Jessie.

Once they were gone, Austin turned to look at Kofi. "What the hell?"

"Look, I know we're friends, but I'm also friends with Jessie," Kofi told him. "I helped her plan this trip, this whole surprise. But when you left out some details that I thought she deserved to know, I made sure to tell her. Yeah, Sasha randomly kissed you, but you didn't seem to hate it, and you didn't try stopping her."

"I can't believe I said she was over-confident like it was a bad thing," Seth said, mostly to himself.

"Oh my god."

And with that, Austin walked away.


Hey guys, look, it turns out I didn't forget about this book!

(For real though, I didn't lmao)

And would you look at that! Actual conflict! I wonder what will happen??

As always, let me know what y'all think! :)

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