Chapter Seventeen

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The Anaheim Convention Center was loud, as VidCon was in full swing.

The day before, Jessie had been a part of a panel, but today, she was doing a meet and greet. It had been a good thirty minutes since it had started, and she still had so many more people to get through before she would be done. She didn't mind, though, as she absolutely loved meeting her fans.

She had just finished taking a picture with a fan who had given her a hat. As the girl walked away, she took off the hat and put it back on backwards, so it was out of her face. Suddenly, the crowd started cheering, and once they started chanting, she just smiled and laughed.

"New Day rocks!"

After scanning the room, she quickly found Austin, who had actually gotten in line to meet her. Kofi was with him, and he was clapping along with the crowd.

As the minutes passed and the line drew shorter, Austin and Kofi finally made it to the front.

She smiled when she saw them. "You didn't have to get in line! I could've just met you somewhere when I wasn't busy."

"But were you expecting us?" Kofi asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It was a surprise," Austin added. "Plus, now we can get a picture together."

"Do we not have any pictures together?" Jessie asked, frowning. After thinking back on all the times she'd met up with Austin, she realized that they'd never taken a picture together. Sure, they'd appeared in each other's videos, but no pictures were ever taken.

"Would I have said it if we did?" He countered, smirking.

She rolled her eyes. "Okay, but you've got to send them to me so that I can post them literally everywhere."

After taking the pictures with Kofi and Austin, they said their goodbyes and the wrestlers left. They only had so long that they could stay in Anaheim until they had to get to the next show. They planned on staying at VidCon a little longer, since Austin was also friends with the Smosh Games crew, but after that, they'd be leaving. The next day, though, they were free, and if Jessie had any time to herself, they'd try to hang out.

When only a handful of people remained, Jessie's phone vibrated in her pocket. She assumed that it was Austin sending her the pictures, so she'd look at it once she was finished.

One person remained. After talking for a little bit and taking a picture, Jessie took a deep breath as he walked away. She was done for the day, but she still had one more day. It would be exhausting, but it would definitely be worth it.

Now that her meet and greet was done, she planned on getting something to eat. Cheyenne was in Anaheim with her, but had stayed at the hotel today. She had gone with Jessie to the convention yesterday, and she was already tired, so she decided to stay behind today.

So, Jessie began leaving. As she made her way through the convention center, she pulled out her phone to read the texts she already had, and to text Cheyenne that she was leaving.

She opened Austin's texts first. There were a handful, as they had taken a few pictures. She looked through them and smiled, then she got to the last text, which actually had words.

Are you doing anything tonight?

Sleeping. I'M SO TIRED.

She made sure to text Cheyenne that she was leaving, and as she hit Send, she had already gotten another text from Austin. Jessie thought that maybe he was wanting to film another video, which, if he did, she totally would. She wasn't that tired.

What about before that?

I'm not sure yet. I'll probably just hang out with Cheyenne.

Why? What's up?

His next text made her stop.

I was wondering if you maybe wanted to get dinner?


Austin and Kofi had found the Smosh Games crew. Since they were Austin's friends, he'd given Kofi his phone, so that he could send Jessie the pictures they had taken.

Austin had been talking to Mari and Joven for a good ten minutes before he realized Kofi hadn't given him his phone back. He said goodbye to everyone, then walked back over to Kofi, who was typing something into his phone.

He frowned. "Dude, what are you doing?"

Kofi's head snapped up, like he had been caught doing something. "Uh, nothing."

"Give me my phone," He said, reaching for his phone. Kofi willingly gave it to him, which was a first. Now that he no longer had it, he was smirking. Austin looked back down at his phone, and scrolled through his messages. His head shot up. "What did you do?"

"You're going on a date with Jessie," He said.


Sure, he wanted to ask Jessie out (he'd wanted to since the first time they'd met, for her livestream), but he never did. Not only did he not want to ruin their friendship, but there was always the fear of her saying no.

He scrolled to the top, where Kofi first mentioned dinner, and began reading.

I was wondering if you maybe wanted to get dinner?

Like a date?

He couldn't help but smile a little at that.

Yeah. If you don't want to, that's cool, too. Just figured I'd ask.

No, that sounds nice.

Dinner would be nice.

When he looked back up, Kofi was watching him.

"Where am I taking her?" Austin asked, still unsure if he wanted to go through with this.

"You've got to figure that out yourself," Kofi said. "I can't do everything for you. You've got to work for this. I just told her you'd pick her up at her hotel."

He just rolled his eyes. "Fine, I'll figure something out then."

"So, you're going?" He asked.

"I guess I am."

With his fear of rejection no longer an issue, Austin didn't see the harm of going on a date with Jessie.

Even if Kofi was the one who set it up.


1. I love Smosh Games + Austin loves Smosh Games, so I just had to include them, even if it wasn't for very long. :P

2. Someone guessed that the important thing was Kofi and Big E stealing Austin's phone all the time, and even though Kofi didn't technically  steal his phone, you were still right haha

Jessie and Austin are finally going on a date! It only took 17 chapters lmao

Anyway, let me know what you thought! :)

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