Chapter Fourteen

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"Hey guys! Welcome to Jessie's Corner. As always, I'm Jessie. Before I start, I just want to let you guys know that this isn't a gaming video. I do hope you guys will stick around to the end of the video, though, because I have a very important announcement."

Jessie sat in her bedroom, where she liked to record her vlogs. She was wearing a Balor Club shirt that Cheyenne had convinced her to buy, and her hair was up in a ponytail.

"Let me give you some background information first. You may have noticed that only one video was uploaded last week – the one with Austin, Xavier, whatever you want to call him. The reason for that is because I was in Dallas for most of last week. Cheyenne – who has appeared in a few videos – and I went to WrestleMania, as well as Axxess. If you follow me on Twitter, I posted a lot of pictures." She laughed.

"So, I recorded the Newly Friend Game with Austin, then I went back to my hotel. Everything's normal. Cheyenne and I are trying to figure out what we want for dinner when Austin calls me. He asks if we want to go to NXT Takeover: Dallas. Of course, we said yes."

"I'm a slut for NXT," Cheyenne said from behind the camera. Jessie laughed.

"It turns out, a certain man wanted to meet us," She continued. "And who am I to decline the man behind the greatness that is NXT." She paused. "Now, for those of you who don't watch wrestling, Triple H is the one behind everything that goes on in NXT, and Cheyenne and I are very glad that he exists."

"I'm a slut for NXT," Cheyenne repeated.

"You already said that."

"I know," Cheyenne said. "But it felt right to say it again."

"Anyway," Jessie continued, and Cheyenne laughed. "We went to Takeover, and I do think it was better than most of WrestleMania." She shrugged. "Once it ended, Cheyenne and I went backstage, and we met Triple H. He was nicer than I expected, because I'm used to him carrying around sledgehammers and yelling at people."

"Get on with it!"

Jessie laughed. "Okay, sorry. Cheyenne is here to make sure I don't get off track." She smiled. "Okay, so we met Triple H, he had to go do something, and then he came back and we talked.

"If you've ever looked at the WWE's YouTube channel, you've probably noticed all the behind the scenes type videos they have – like the WWE Inbox videos they had, the Game Night videos Heath Slater hosts. Well, Triple H wanted there to be more of an NXT presence on the YouTube channel, because right now, you just get recaps of matches.

"If you remember a few months ago, I made that video with Austin for his channel, where I was horribly sleep-deprived. He saw it – because he apparently watches UpUpDownDown – and he made Austin show him some of my videos, plus a video we recorded in Dallas that you guys should be seeing soon over on his channel.

"Which brings me to my announcement."

"Finally!" Cheyenne exclaimed, and Jessie threw a pillow at her.

"You are now looking at the new host of not only NXT Game Night, but a few other videos that we haven't quite decided on yet." She grinned. Cheyenne threw the pillow back at her, and it hit her in the face.

"It wasn't me," Cheyenne said, and Jessie glared at her.

"Before you guys start to worry, I will still be making videos on this channel," Jessie said. "There shouldn't be less videos at all. I'll still post the same content. Except now, I'll be traveling to Orlando every one or two months to record some videos, then I'll come back, edit them, and upload them to the WWE YouTube channel.

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