hes back ! and i like it.

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I think I already talked about Ramon before . I don't care I'll do it again .

So u guys already know a little bit of who Ramon is and what is or was going on between us .
I'm in 10th grade know and he goes to the same school I go to. The school is very small so I see him every single day .

I like him, and every time I think that we might be a couple someday , its like saying I'm going to be famous tomorrow .

I really want to be with Ramon and be his wife ,be his everything. I truly believe I could be his first love , I will ,and want to give him his first kiss, also I want to take his virginity ..... Don't judge me ...

For reals . I want him. Im probably obsessed but I don't show it. I always ignore him. I have a tendency to act very mean and ignore my crushes . but oh well. I'm actually a very sweet person . well ,with my partners tho.

I'm going to confess something
I actually like hugs .. I like them when my partner hugs me or I hug them. I've told my friends I don't like them , but its because hugs for me are like a sexual thing. I'm not saying if my mom or friends hug me I'll turn on, NO. I'm saying that hugs for me mean something very intimate. I only hug my partners . but if my friends hug me I'll feel uncomfortable but I won't want to rape them . they can hug me , its just that I don't know how to hug back . I'm just awkward

I know . I'm weird .

So yeah . I like Ramon. I want to have kids with him .

Also ! I feel he's perfect for me. I definitely feel he is

Someday we will be together . I promise

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