Chapter 3

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"It's just me this year" Caleb mumbled as he tucked into his food. "What do you mean just you?" I questioned. "You see, it's usually two mentors, one male and one female. Usually you would have me and a woman named Johanna Mason but it seems that she has some unfinished business at the capitol so you will only have one mentor" he explained. "Unfinished business?" I asked. "I don't know, I'm not used to how the capitol works, but one thing I do know is when the capitol wants you to do something, you do it." He said bluntly. "I see." I said looking over at the door where Axe had stormed through. "I don't think he'll be back anytime soon" Caleb said, it was almost as if he could read my thoughts. "But he needs advice on how to survive the games" I said, I'm not sure why I was concerned, after all he will be trying to kill me in the arena. "I'm sure that he'll figure it out himself if he doesn't want my help" he said as if he didn't really care about him. We talked for hours about the arena and my strategy, Caleb soon learned that I was good with spears and knives and my main strength was my ability to run extremely fast for a long time, this would help a lot in the games. Caleb explained many things about what I must do to win over the Capitol but I hardly listened to him, I was too busy staring into his deep blue eyes shimmering in the light of the fire. But I soon snapped out of it. I needed to focus if I wanted to win the games.When we were close to arriving at the capitol, there was still no sign of Axe. "Maybe he jumped off the train" Caleb joked. I couldn't help but smile when Pheonix hit him with her Capitol woman's fashion magazine. "You know you'll be sorry for not talking to him about the games when he's in the arena" she said sternly. "He looks like he's going to have a good chance of winning and your throwing it away by focusing all your attention on Darcy" she explained. I suddenly felt my cheeks blushing. "Well if he's not going to make the effort then neither am I" Caleb snapped back. Suddenly everything went dark, we were inside a tunnel, this meant we were nearing the capitol, suddenly I started to feel nervous again. As we approached the capitol I soon realised just how beautiful it was. Shame they didn't put this much effort into the districts. As I hopped off the train I was greeted by many of the bizarre capitol people that were full of excitement that the entertainment had finally arrived. It was pretty sick really. The capitol guards literally had to prise Axe out of his chambers and haul him out of the train. But this wasn't because he was scared of the capitol, he was just being his usual stubborn self. We were quickly escorted through to meet our prep teams and had to undergo a painful 4 hour session of being made up for the tribute parade. As usual we were due to be dressed as trees because our district was lumber but I guess I didn't really care as I had bigger things to worry about besides my outfit. I stared in the mirror at my outfit, it actually didn't look as bad as it did when it wasn't on my body. It was a green jumpsuit that was made entirely of lush green leaves that reminded me of my district. My hair was left down, long and flowing, with a beautifully crafted leaf headband sat at the top of my head. "You look beautiful" I heard a soft voice say, and there he was, stood behind me in the reflection of the mirror. Caleb. "Are you ready?" He asked. "As I'll ever be" I answered.

***Authors Note***

Oh my gosh guys! You don't know how long it took me to find someone to play Axe... But i've finally decided!:D John Boyega will be playing his character!:) Now, i've never really heard of him but i found a photo of him and i was like 'OMG AXE!' So i did a little research on him annnd yeah! He's going to play Axe ^.^ If your not sure who John Boyega is i've left a photo of him at the side of this chapter:)

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