Chapter 25

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There she was. Nixie. Half way through finishing off a bird. I felt my blood boiling when I saw her. She ended Ravens life, and now i would end hers. My thoughts about hating the capitol had completely disappeared. All I felt was the need to kill the girl that once seemed so beautiful and harmless to me. She looked up at us through her long flowing yellow hair for a second. And then she ran for it. With no second thought whatsoever, I darted after her, spear in hand at the ready. Calix was not far behind me but boy was this girl quick. I followed her as she darted left and right. I twisted and turned until i was completely lost. Calix had obviously run in a different direction. Maybe he had found her? No. She was my kill. She was from the start I guess. She was the one I always had my eye on for some reason. I had to kill Nixie. I started to run again in the same direction. I had to get to her before Calix. I ran and ran, twisting and turning until finally, I gave in. I stopped by a rather large tree and took slow and deep breaths. Suddenly i heard a thud in the tree I was leaning against. A knife had just skimmed my head by a few millimetres and was now stuck fast in the tree. I looked up to find Nixie glaring at me with a huge grin on her face."Hello Darcy." She said with a crooked grin as she pulled a dagger out of her bag. I quickly snatched a spear from my bag and threw it towards her head. She dodged it! How could she have dodged it? This girl was good. I went to pull another spear from my bag, only to find nothing...No! How could I have been so careless? That was my last spear! I'd left the rest at the camp. Now I had no weapon. Suddenly I remembered the knife in the tree. I ran back for it as fast as I could with Nixie only a few meters behind me. I tried to pull the knife from the tree but it was stuck fast. Suddenly I felt a knife slice my stomach. No. I can't let her beat me. I fell to the floor holding my stomach in one hand and reaching for the knife in the other. Finally I managed to pull it out of the tree after many attempts, but it was too late. Nixie had a surprisingly tight grip of my arm holding the knife, causing me to stop in my tracks completely. "So here we are." She smirked. "To be honest I thought it would be a lot harder to kill you, you know. With you being the capitols favourite after pulling that little 'I'm so in love with my mentor' stunt." She smirked again. What was she talking about? Me being that capitols favourite? "But now, here we are. Oh and by the way...sorry about your friend. Raven? Yeah I thought I might just let him die slowly. Instead of killing him straight away...if you know what I mean? Well even if you don't, you'll soon find out...because your fate will be the same" She let out a twisted laugh. "You. Won't. Beat. Me!" I hissed as I prised her arm from mine. And with that, I swung my knife round, slashing a deep gash into her face and knocked her to the ground. Before she could get up I was already on top of her. "This is for Raven." I whispered in her ear. I brought up my knife, and plunged it straight through her heart. And Boom went the cannon...

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