Chapter 20

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The scream sent shivers down my spine. I didn't want to open my eyes In fear of what I will see. But I have to. As my eyesight finally begins to focus, i saw the girl from district two. She's plunged a knife straight into Ravens leg. She probably did it while he was sleeping. But before I could do anything to stop her. She plunges a second knife into his arm that just tried to reach for his throwing knives. I reach for my spears but when I look back, she's already running off into the depths of the jungle. What was the point in that attack? I thought. She obviously didn't intend on killing him. Just fatally injuring him? It didn't make sense. As I ran up to Raven, I saw his eyes scrunched tightly as he attempted to pull the second knife out of his arm. "Hey I'll do it." I said softly, trying to remain calm. But it was impossible. I'd just watched Raven get brutally attacked by one of the most innocent looking tributes out of the lot. I now knew the true meaning of don't judge a book by its cover. As I pulled out the first knife, he let out an ear piercing scream. I couldn't even imagine the pain he was in right now, and to be honest I didn't really want to. Just then, Calix came running over to us, he clearly had attempted to chase her down and kill her, but she was too fast. He knelt down by my side and pulled the first knife from Ravens leg. He screamed again, making me wince but I didn't show it. I needed to be strong for him."So much for going out hunting today then." Raven said sarcastically as he winced at the feeling of me tending to his two severe wounds. "Shhh, don't speak, it'll only make you worse." I whispered softly. "What's the point? I'm going to die now anyway. Why should I want to prolong my pain." He grunted. "Who says your going to die?" Calix snapped as he propped Raven up against the log where he had been sleeping. "You should get a sponsor soon, that will defiantly help you." He said but this time a lot calmer as he helped me tend to Ravens wounds. "No I won't, there's no reason for them to sponsor me now, my wounds are quite obviously fatal. There would be no point in wasting their good money on a practically dead tribute." He said sharply. He suddenly yelped in pain as I tried to turn him over. "Sorry!" I squeaked. But he said nothing. After a couple of hours of attempting to clean his wound. He told us to give it up. He knew he was going to die. We all did. "We're running out of water" Calix said quietly. "Go get some more with Darcy, I'll be fine on my own. Even if anyone does come, they'll only be doing me a favour by killing me off now" Raven muttered. "You go. I'll stay here." I whispered to Calix. He nodded and went off in search of water. As I sat down beside Raven, to my surprise, he actually spoke to me instead of ignoring me. "At least this gives you a better chance of winning, so you'll be able to go back to Caleb." He whispered without looking at me. "Don't say It like that." I muttered. "Well it's true." He smirked. I said nothing. "I've got a girlfriend back home you know." He mumbled, still not looking at me." I felt a sudden thud in my chest. That poor girl. I thought. She must be heart broken watching this right now. "Her names melody, she has wavy golden hair, chocolate brown eyes, a beautiful smile and I'm never going to see her again..." He said quietly, but just loud enough for me to hear his voice crack at the end. And that's when I saw it. A single tear drop trickle down his face. I never thought I would see this big tanned tough guy ever cry. But there he was. Crying. He suddenly reached around his neck and pulled out a wooden heart necklace with a leather strap. "If you win, give this to her." He said as he placed it in my hand. "She gave it to me to wear as my district token" he said quietly. I nodded and put it around my neck. And with that he slowly drifted off to sleep. As I got up I heard him mumble something under his breath. "What?" I asked him. He took a deep breath and repeated what he had just said. "Nixie, I said" I cocked my head to one side, unsure of what he was saying. "Nixie is the name of the girl from district 4, when you find her. Kill her." He said bluntly. I nodded and with that, I was off in search for Nixie.

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