Chapter 7

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We were both woken up by a small squeal that was quickly hushed by another voice. When I finally managed to lift my heavy eyes open I could just make out Pheonix's figure standing in the doorway and one of my prep team stood next to her. At first I wondered why she had made that sound then I remembered who I had fallen asleep with last night. I glanced at the half asleep Caleb I was laid next to and quickly jumped out of the chair and awkwardly speed-walked back to my room. I'm pretty sure that Pheonix would have had some stern words to say to Caleb about boundaries but all I was worried about is if anyone else found out. I'm pretty sure that this wouldn't go down too well with the capitol. A tribute girl from district 7 falling asleep in the arms of a handsome victor of the hunger games. When I walked back into the dining room sheepishly to have my breakfast, everything seemed to be normal. Pheonix was reading her fashion magazine, my prep team were talking about my private session with the gamemakers which was to take place later on this afternoon. And Caleb was just tucking into a hard boiled egg. "No Axe this morning?" I asked casually. "I don't think he wants to come down to training today" Pheonix sighed as she flipped through her magazine. "But he has to come" I carried on. "Not if he doesn't want to, as long as he comes to the private session with the gamemakers no one will question it" Caleb said as he stuffed a mouthful of egg in his mouth. "So what's the plan on my private session with the gamemakers?" I asked, changing the subject from Axe. "Your choice" Caleb said casually to my surprise. "Do what ever your best at. "If I were you, I'd throw your spears and knives" he said. "Alright then, but what is Axe going to do for them?" I asked. "Who knows? He hasn't told anyone what he's best at. I predict he will show his strength but then again I could be wrong" he said as he gobbled away the last of his egg. "Right then. Spears and it." I said as I zipped up my training suit. When I got into the training centre I walked straight across to the shooting station where I found Calix with a bow in his hand. "I'm guessing that's your weapon of choice then" I said smiling at him. "I guess" he said with I slight grin on his face. "You any good?" I asked. And with that, he picked out an arrow and shot it straight at the target. "Nice shot" I said enthusiastically as I looked over to where the arrow had hit. Straight in the heart."No sign of your district partner" he said. "He's not coming down today" I said bluntly. "That's a shame, we were thinking of asking him to join our alliance." He said sarcastically. "I don't think so, he's not much of a talker" I grinned. "Didn't think so" he laughed.

***Authors Note***

OMG! It took me like forever to find a photo of Jeremy Sumpter! For some reason Wattpad didn't like his photos and wouldn't let me put them up -.- But i've finally found one that works! (:D) So Jeremy will be playing Hemlock...Now i know some of you may not be very happy with my choice as he as a bit of a baby face but idk guys...something about him just reminds me of Hemlock so here we go!:)

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