Chapter 16

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As we ventured through the everlasting desert, I started to think of Caleb. I wonder what he was doing right now? Watching me nervously? Or was he trying to do everything in his power to get me sponsors? I suddenly remembered the ring he had given to me. Was it really a symbol of his love for me? I still wasn't sure. But it made me all the more determined to win the games so I could come back to him and find out for myself. "Is that your district token?" Calix said peering over at my precious ring. "Um..yes, i suppose.." I mumbled. "It looks expensive" he said as he tried to get a better look. "Caleb gave it to me" I said to him as I admired it. "Wow, I guess the rumours are true then?" He said to me as he gazed at the ring. "I suppose" I said quietly. "Look!" We suddenly heard Raven shout from a few meters ahead of us. "Tracks! Someone's been here already! Two by the looks of it" he said as he crouched down beside them. "They look like both male and female footprints by the shapes of them, my guess is that the career pack have split up to hunt us down" he said as he gazed across the desert. "Their heading east" he said to Zander who didn't really seem to care. He had been ever so strange since Nerissa had died. He was always quite quirky and full of knowledge, but now he just seemed dull and lifeless...maybe he and Nerissa were a little more than friends? I couldn't be sure. But there would be no point in making assumptions now, she was gone and that was that.Suddenly Raven spotted something in the distance..two figures walking towards the East, they clearly hadn't realised we were behind them as they were walking at a normal pace and hadn't pulled out their weapons. "It's Lance and Willa!" Raven whispered. "Which district are they from?" Calix asked quietly. "District 2, they're both pretty lethal. But there's only two of them and four of us. We can take them. Me and Darcy will take Lance and you and Zander will take Willa" he ordered Calix. I hated the fact that he hadn't let anyone else plan anything, he just made the orders and gave them to us. I also hated the fact that he had automatically assumed that I should team up with him against Lance. Why did he pick me to do it? Calix was clearly his why did he want me to help him take on Lance? Just then, I saw him dart towards the career tributes with his head close to the ground like a wild dog. He then sharply turned round to us and signalled us to follow him in the same manner. We must have only been about 30 meters away from them before they actually realised they were about to be ambushed. As Raven launched himself at Lance, Calix watched him for a second, and then did the same to Willa. At first, myself and Zander just stared at each other, both unsure of what we should do. But then I heard Raven shout something at me. "Get him off me!" And with that, I sprinted straight towards lance and grabbed hold of his broad shoulders in an attempt to prise him off Raven. Before long I soon realised that I would never have the strength to pull a man twice the size of me off another man so I did the first thing that came into my mind, I pulled out my spear and stabbed him straight through the shoulder. He groaned as he pulled himself away from Raven and held onto his now bloodstained shoulder. Raven then sprung at him like a cheetah and plunged his throwing knife straight into his chest. Lance then slumped to the floor and let out a terrifying gasp. And then he was dead.

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