Chapter 8

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After we finished shooting arrows, we walked over to the plants station where we found Zander and Calix. Both of them were studying which berries were edible and which were not. "Why aren't you forming an alliance with your district parter Calix?" I asked curiously. "She's extremely panicky. She's cried every night since we got here. She's been having panic attacks and break downs all the time. She's defiantly not taking it well. She hasn't turned up to one training session and can't talk to anyone without bursting into tears" he said in a more angry tone. "And I thought Axe was bad" i said rolling my eyes. But deep down inside I couldn't help but feel sorry for the girl, I'd seen her once before at the tribute parade, she must have only been around fourteen at the most. That's when I started to feel hatred for the capitol once again. "This is nightlock" Nerissa pointed out to us. "It's extremely poisonous and can kill you within a minute so I wouldn't eat it if I were you." She said slowly, making sure that we taken in every word that she had said. "These all should be edible though" she said as she circled her long skinny fingers around a collection of yellowish coloured berries. We were all called in for lunch before we were to have our private sessions with the gamemakers. I sat at a table with Calix, Zander and Nerissa. The careers all sat round a table together, Hemlock, Chalice, the two tributes from district 2 and a girl with long flowing yellow hair and sea green eyes so I assumed she was from district 4. Everyone else was just scattered around eating at their tables alone. Suddenly Axe burst in through the door in his usual careless manner that I had gotten used to. But then I remembered that no one else had. Everyone was staring at him and whispering as he slumped in his chair and took a huge bite out of a loaf of bread as if he were a giant. Slowly, one by one, each tribute disappeared into the training centre to be assessed by the gamemakers. My alliances wished me good luck when I was called into the centre. This was it. I had to show them everything I'd got. When I arrived I noticed that some of the gamemakers where totally blanking the fact that I'd just walked in. As I walked towards the platform I made a small cough to let them know I had arrived and began. First, I picked up three spears and hit them at all three targets. One in the head, one in the face and one in the heart. Perfect shots they were. But when i looked over at the gamemakers, only a few seemed impressed. You need to show them everything you've got. I thought. Spears and knives, spears and knives, spears and...knives! Got it! I thought. Suddenly without a second thought I snatched 3 knives from the table and threw all three at once. Each one sliced through all three of the spears that i'd hit ast the targets earlier clean in half. The 3 knives now sat in the place where the three spears had once hit. I smiled, satisfied at my 3 amazing shots and looked over at the gamemakers, they all gave me reassuring smiles and dismissed me.

***Authors Note***

Hey guys! OMG! Calix will be played by Lucas Till!:D omgomgomgomg! I love him so much! Plus i kinda based the character on him from the start..sooo yeah, i've left a picture of Lucas at the side for you to admire;) Sorry to anyone who doesn't like the character choice but omg...Lucas Till...just omg... ;)

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