♥ Chapter 2 ♥

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• Justin •

I'm sitting in English class, Kaci two seats up from me. I clenched my fists, sulking back in my chair. Kaci was most definitely not like other girls.

"You ok, Bro?" Chaz asks me, sliding into the seat behind me. "She kicked you pretty hard."

I scowl, clutching my pencil roughly between my fingers. "Shut up." I snap. "She wants me."

Chaz chuckles. "Didn't seem like it."

Kaci suddenly turns back in her seat, her eyes meeting mine. Her eyes wander down to me crotch and she smirks, turning away.

My pencil snaps, each hand now holding a different half.

Chaz snickers. "I wish you luck, Bro. She doesn't seem easy."

I narrow my eyes. "You just watch. She'll be in my pants and begging for more by prom."

• Kaci •

When the final bell rings, I skip to my locker, greeting Gabby with a highfive.

"I heard Justin's determined to have you. You go girl. He's already desperate." Gabby compliments.

I chuckle. "He'll never get me."

"Nice." Gabby grins, prying open her locker. About six different colored roses fall out, scattering on the floor.

Gabby picks them up and scowls, whirling around and glaring at some boy down the hall. "Chaz!" She shrieks, stomping in his direction. The boy, Chaz's eyes widen as Gabby approaches him. She throws the roses at him, a red one falling to the ground and her foot crushes it. Chaz twitches. Gabby huffs and turns away, walking back in my direction.

"What an ass." She mutters, taking her black tote out of her locker and linking it onto her arm.

I stifle a laugh. "Nice one."

"He never gives up." Gabby shakes her head. "He's like an annoying rash you can never get rid of."

"He must really like you." I chuckle.

"He's obsessed." Gabby rolls her eyes. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow." She gives me a small wave and skips away, her brown hair bouncing on her shoulders.

"Need a ride home?" Justin appears, leaning against the locker beside mine, a flirty smirk on his lips.

"Was kneeing you in your crotch not enough to get you the hell away from me?" I ask him, slamming my locker shut and crossing my arms.

He gives me a lopsided smile, flicking his hair out of his eyes. "Can't I give a pretty lady a ride home?"

I start walking, ignoring the fact that he's now walking alongside me. "I already have ride, thanks." I inform him.

He makes a 'hmf' sound before asking: "Who?"

"My brother." I roll my eyes. "Don't you have somewhere to be?"


Justin snickers. "So did you hear about the party tomorrow night? Everyone's gonna be there. You going?"

I bite my lip, haven't heard anything about a party. I shrug. "I wasn't invited."

Justin stifles a laugh. "You're kidding, right? The whole school's invited. Besides, you're hot. You can get into anything."

I scowl. "Don't call me hot."

"Why not?"

"Because I simply don't want you of all people calling me hot."

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