♥ Chapter 19 ♥

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• Justin •

It's around eleven am when I wake. I turn around to look at the beautiful girl beside me.

One problem?

She wasn't there.

I sit up, frowning. Where was she? Maybe she just went to the bathroom or something.

A knot forms in my stomach. That's exactly what I thought when I woke up a year ago and expected to find Gabby sleeping beside me. It ended up being played. I was just a toy to Gabby, someone to sleep around with.

I clench my teeth and reach over to my nightstand, taking my cellphone and dialing Kaci's number. Kaci wasn't Gabby. She wouldn't play me like that. No way.

The phone rang and rang and Kaci didn't pick up. It went straight to voice mail.

"It's Kaci, Beeotch." She voicemail said. "I probably really busy right now or just don't want to talk to you. Leave a message and I might call you back. Toodles!"

I find myself chuckling. Interesting voicemail, Kaci. I decide to leave her a message.

"Hey, It's Justin." I say. "Last night was amazing. I'm not sure why you left but call me back once you get this, ok? I lo-" I pause, a lump forming in my throat. What was I about to say? I shake my  head. "Bye." I finish, hitting the End button.

"What the fuck is wrong with me." I mutter to myself, running a hand through my hair.

• Kaci •

"Where the fuck were you?!" My brother snaps the minute I step through the front door. "I was worried sick!"

"I'm sorry!" I throw my hands up in frustration. "I'm fine, ok? See? No worries."

Jake scowls. "Who were you with, Eh? You can't lie to me, Sis. I know you were with someone."

I purse my lips. "I won't lie. I was. Who? I'm not telling you."

Jake narrows his eyes. "Kaci-"

My suddenly rings and I slip it out of my pocket, staring at the caller I.D.


I wanted to answer. I needed to answer. But with my brother here...? No way.

"Who is it?" Jake questions.

"No one." I tell him innocently, turning off my phone and shoving it back into my pocket. "I think it was a wrong number."

Jake snorts. "Right."

He doesn't believe me. I pretend not to notice.

"I'm tired." I fake yawn. "I'm going up to bed."

"It's almost noon." Jake points out.

I brush past him, making my way to the stairs. "So?"

• Justin •

I gather up my clothes which were scattered across the room and throw them in the hamper. I stare at my messy bed for a while, finally deciding not to make it today. As I pried open my closet door, the doorbell rang.

"Coming!" I shouted, unsure of whether they heard me or not. I quickly threw on a white t-shirt and pair of plaid boxers before running downstairs.

I open the front door to find Ryan standing there, a basketball between his arms.

"Hey, man." He greets me, stepping inside.

I shut the door behind him. "Hey. What are you doing here?"

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