♥ Chapter 12 ♥

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• Kaci •

I stomp up Justin's porch, knocking on the door, a frown permanently etched onto my face.

"May I help you?" A women says once she opens the door. She has wavy brown hair and hazel eyes which resemble Justin. She seems to be in her mid-thirties and I didn't have to think twice to know she was Justin's mother.

"I'm here to, uh, return this. It belongs to Justin..." I don't get to finish because the lady, Justin's mother is already motioning me inside.

"Justin's upstairs. Feel free to go up. His room will be to your left."

"Um, thank you." I mumble, disappointed that she hadn't offered to give it to him herself so I could leave without seeing Bieber's face.

I drag myself upstairs, stopping once on the second floor. I could hear the sound of someone strumming a guitar in one of the rooms. I crinkled my forehead and turned left, finding Justin's room to be the one with an obvious "JUSTIN" sign on the door...and also the room where the strumming was coming from.

I stopped in front of it, pressing my ear against the door.

"Whoa oh oh oh yeah..." The sound of Justin's voice takes me off guard, like I never thought he could sing. Though honestly, he has a nice voice. An amazing voice, in fact.

[[ Author's Note: If you like to sing along, think of this song as an acoustic. Not the original fast, upbeat version. xx ]]

"You're the finest girl I've ever seen And yet i wonder if you notice that every guy you meet winds up catching feelings for ya. And You can have any of 'em, You can take your pick..."

I lean closer again the door, still slightly in shock.

"...You should pick me, So tell me can you dig it. I'm you everything you need girl. So tell me can you dig it..."

I bite my bottom lip, my hand slowly wrapping itself around the doorknob. Should I enter?

Or should I just leave the game outside his door...?

"...You should pick me, so tell me can you dig it. Think of how good it could be girl. So tell me can you dig it. I'll always be your number one number one fan, dig that. and I should be your one and only man..."

I shake my head. I have to enter...

I turn the knob, slowly prying open the door. "Did you write that yourself?" I blurt, startling him.

He's sitting on the bed, a guitar on his lap. I must have scared him pretty good because he dropped the guitar, cursing and running a hand through his hair.

He looks up at me, his eyes widening slightly. "What are you doing here?!" He snaps, looking surprisingly nervous.

I chuckle. "My brother's making me return this to you." I chuck the xbox game at him and he catches it, placing it on the bed beside him.

"Oh." He sighs.

"You didn't answer my question," I say again, leaning against the doorframe. "Did you write that yourself?"

He flicks his hair out of his eyes. "I, uh, no. I didn't..." He stammers.

I raise an eyebrow and cross my arms.

He exhales. "Yeah. I wrote it." He admits, picking back up his guitar. "But...can you not tell anyone?" He throws me a pleading look. "It'll be social suicide if everyone finds out I play guitar and sing."

I roll my eyes. "I don't see what's so bad about playing guitar and singing. I mean, you're pretty good." I tell him honestly, surprising both of us.

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