♥ Chapter 8 ♥

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• Kaci •

I wasn't able to hide my hickey. No matter what I tried, Justin made sure it was visible. Not even makeup worked. At last, I did the best I could to hide it with my hair, partially succeeding.

I quickly scrambled downstairs towards the gang who were waiting for me so we can to Olive Garden. No one noticed my hickey as we slid into the cars and drove to the restraunt.

We arrive to find that Nate had already called and reserved a table so we didn't have to wait in line.

We all took our seats, Justin smirking as he slid in across from me.

"What's that one your neck?" Gabby blurts as she takes her seat beside me, crinkling her forehead.

I curse beneath my breath. "I...uh..."

"Is that a hickey?" Sydney butts in, leaning forward to get a better view.

"Woah!" Chaz exclaims. "What have you been doing, Kaci?"

I frown and glance at Justin who has a satisfied smile on his face while my brother throws me a disapproving look.

Not for long though.

"Who gave it to you?" Ryan questions curiously.

"Yeah, Kaci." Justin smirks. "How gave that hickey?"

"Nate." I blurt out, throwing Nate a just-go-with-it look.

He looks confused for a second but then catches on.

"You...and Nate?!" Everyone, but Justin (who looks absolutely pissed now), cries out in surprise.

Nate blushes and I lean back. I'm now the one feeling satisfied. Thought you were winning, Justin?

Think again.

"Kaci? Can I talk to you?" Nate says, his eyebrows knitted together, probably still confused. "Alone."

I nod and we both stand up, excusing ourselves. Nate takes my wrist and pulls me outside, a frown now on face.

"I didn't give you that hickey." He says matter-of-factly. "And obviously neither did Ryan or Chaz."

I don't say anything. I just stare back at him, blinking.

He sighs. "What's the deal with you and Justin?"

"Nothings up with Justin and I." I lie, knowing very well what's going on between Justin and me.

"Are you guys together?" Nate questions, pushing me up against the brick wall of the restraunt but not as roughly as Justin would have.

"No!" I shake my head, being completely honest this time. "I hate him!"

"Then how did you get that fucking hickey?!" Nate half-yells.

I heave a sigh. "Fine! It's not a hickey. I fell."

"You fell?"

"I fell and hit my neck."

"Your neck?"

"My neck."

"You're a horrible liar, Kaci."

"Just forget about it, ok?" I snap.

Nate frowns. "I can't-"

"Guys?" It's my brother's voice. "The waitress needs your orders." Jake shows up, a wondering look on his face.

"Just go along with it." I whisper to Nate, referring to the hickey.

He nods but doesn't seem happy about it as we make our way back inside the restraunt.

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