♥ Chapter 10 ♥

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• Kaci •

I grab a towel out of the hallway's closet and head to the bathroom, throwing it aside when my cellphone begins to ring.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Kace?" It's Gabby. "I might be a little late. I'm on brother duty so I have to pick him up from baseball practice."

"That's cool." I tell her. "I have to shower anyways. Take your time."

"Thanks, Kaci. See you soon." She hangs up and I do too. I place my phone by the sink and lock the bathroom door, stripping out of my clothes as I turn on the shower.

I pull back the curtains and step inside, allowing the cool water to massage skin.

I spend about twenty minutes showering, making sure I was squeaky clean.

I finally turn off the shower and step out, drying myself and then wrapping the towel around my body.

I pry open the door and begin to make my way to my room when I suddenly crash into someone. Startled, I jump back, feeling the towel slip from around my body.

I try to grab it before it could fall but fail. It slips to the floor, leaving me standing there in my birthday suit.

I scurry to pick it up, wrapping it back around my body, my cheeks heating up.

I look up to see who I had bumped into.

I feel my face become redder when I realize it's Justin. What is he doing here? How much had he seen?

By the horny look on his face, I know he had seen enough.

"What are you doing here?!" I snap, still embarrassed.

Justin chuckles. "Your brother invited me over and I came up here to you use the bathroom but..." He looks me up and down. "I got a show instead."

I raise my hand to slap him but he grabs my wrist, holding me hand back and pushing me up against the wall, his lips brushing against my ear.

"You don't know how badly I want you right now." He whispers, his lips tracing my jawline as he speaks.

I'm breathing hard, staying silent the whole time.

I want him too...

No. I don't want him. I'll never want him.

I hate him.

His eyes search mine for a while before he pulls away, leaving me speechless.

Maybe I'm just surprised he didn't try to kiss me like usual.

He turns away and heads into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

I run a hand through my hair and go into my room, slamming the door behind me and leaning against it.

What is up with me?

• Justin •

I washed my hands and headed back downstairs to find Jake setting up his xbox in the living room.

"I'm gonna kick your ass at Grand Theft Auto." Jake comments as he hands me a game control and flops onto the couch.

"Right back at ya." I murmur, not able to focus with the imagine of Kaci still fresh in my head. My god. She was hot. I've never wanted anyone as badly as I want her.

Ten minutes later, we've already been through two games which Jake did indeed beat me at. If Kaci wasn't such a klutz and hadn't dropped her towel, maybe I would be winning.

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