♥ Chapter 13 ♥

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• Kaci •

I found myself humming the tune to the song I'd caught Justin singing for the rest of the day. When I got to school the next day, I was still humming it. I also found it extremely hard to not think about Justin. He just seemed to somehow end up in my thoughts lately.

I sauntered up to my locker and pried it open, grabbing English textbooks and my journal before slamming it shut again.

"Kaci!" I whirl around to find Gabby jogging up to me, her brown hair up in a ponytail and a big smile etched onto her face.

"Hey," I smile as well. "You're back. How you feeling?"

"Never better." She grins. "It was just a silly stomach flu."

"Must have sucked." I commented, leaning back against my locker.

"It did," She admits. "But now I'm back and good as new."

I chuckle, not knowing what else to say.

"Gabby, you're back!" A different voice exclaims and suddenly two arms wrap themselves around Gabby waist, pulling her close.

Chaz winks in my direction before spinning Gabby around to face him.

"Should I leave you guys alone?" I tease the minute Chaz presses his lips against Gabby's, but they ignore me.

I roll my eyes and all of the sudden the bell rings causing everyone to make a dash towards their classes.

Gabby and Chaz sigh, pulling apart and saying goodbye before heading off to their own classes.

"See you at lunch." I call after Gabby as I make my way into my English classroom.

Sydney waves at me from her desk and I go to take my seat beside her, mumbling a 'Hey'.

My eyes wander back towards the door as Justin bursts in, scrambling to take his seat. His eyes meet mine for just a second and a small smile forms on his lips. For some reason I feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach and there's nothing I can do to stop them.

I look away from him and grab my journal, prying it open and beginning to sketch my name in bubble letters just as the teacher walks in.

"I hope you are all studying for finals," She begins to say but I tune her out, too occupied with my sketching.

Fifteen minutes of class drag on, all which are a blur. I was already working on my second masterpiece (another, slightly different drawing of my name), when the well-known principal, Mrs.Laymen, walks into the room.

"I'm sorry to interrupt," She speaks causing all heads to look her way. "But may I speak to Justin? Justin Bieber?"

Everyone turns to look at Justin who has a puzzled look on his face as he stands up and slowly approaches Mrs.Laymen.

Mrs.Laymen motions for everyone to mind their own business while she pulls Justin aside.

I look back down, curious as to what was going on.

Just as I begin to work on my sketch of a 'C', Mrs.Laymen calls out: "Mr.Bieber!"

My head snaps back up just in time to see Justin run out he door, his hands covering his face.

What happened next surprised me just as much as it surprised everyone else. I don't know exactly why, but I stood up too, making a dash out the door after Justin.

"Miss Amador!" I hear Mrs.Laymen calls after me but I ignore her, scanning the halls for Justin.

I finally spot his figure run out the front doors and I follow, finding him sitting on the steps, his face in his hands.

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