♥ Chapter 3 ♥

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• Kaci •

"Your brother is so god damn hot!" Gabby exclaims for zillionth time.

Sydney and I groan, simutaneously chucking a pillow at her.

"Just shut up about it!" I half-yell.

"Sheesh," Gabby mutters. "It's just my honest opinion."

We're interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on my bedroom door. I sigh and stumble over, prying it open to see Jake standing there.

"What do you want?" I snap.

"So," He begins to say. "The boys made come over here and ask if you girls would like to play a game of spin the bottle with us-"

"Hell no." I say before he could finish but Gabby and Sydney are both now looking over my shoulder with a pleading look on their faces.


"No!" I say again.

"Pleaae, Kaci!" They beg and Jake nods pleadingly along with them

"No effing way!"

"Pretty please!"






• • •

I grip the carpet, a permanent scowl etched onto my face as I look around the circle we've all formed in the living room, an empty beer bottle in the center.

Justin's sitting across from me, a sly smirk on his lips.

"I'll spin." Nate blurts, reaching over and spinning the bottle with a shish movement.

The bottle spins and spins until it comes to a slow stop...one end pointing to Justin and the other end pointing to me.

"Oh hell no!" I stand up, crossing my arms in front of my chest. "I'm done with this game!"

"Aww c'mon!" Everyone fusses, except Justin who has a cocky look written all over his face.

"We haven't even started." Chaz pouts.

"We're not playing without you, Kace." Gabby pouts.

"Then it looks like we're not playing at all!" I snap, whirling around and stomping back upstairs.

"Kaci!" I hear everyone call after me but I ignore them, going into my room and slamming the door behind me.

No effing way was I going to give Justin the satisfaction of kissing me.

No. Effing. Wa-

"Kaci?" It's Justin's voice. I can hear his fist softly knocking on my bedroom door.

I huff and walk over, prying open the door to find Justin leaning against it. He stumbles foreword but I take a step back, avoiding any contact.

"What?" I snap.

He chuckles and flicks his hair to the side, giving me a lopsided smile. "You should come back down and at least let us start the game," He tells me. "Besides, you owe me a kiss." He winks.

"Do I?" I place my hands on my hips. "I don't think so."

"C'mon," He takes a step closer. "You know you want too."

I tilt my head to the side and take a step towards him as well, our bodies almost touching. "Maybe I do."

"You do?"

"Mhm." I flash him an innocent smile and begin to lean in, my fingers tracing invisible circles on his neck.

His eyes widen and I can tell there are goosebumps forming wherever our skin makes contact. There was complete lust in his eyes as he leaned in as well.

Just as our lips were about to touch, I roughly push him back, a look of surprise falling onto his face as I slam the door shut between us.

"Never happening." I inform him through the door. "Give it up, Bieber."

• Justin •

"Shit." I mutter, clenching my fists and making my way back downstairs. How could almost fall for that? How could I have actually thought that she was going to kiss me?

I'm such an idiot. I should have seen it coming.

"She coming back?" Ryan asks me as I step into the living room.

"No such luck." I mumble, still internally arguing with myself.

"Guess we'll just play without her." Chaz says with a sigh, but then he turns to look at Gabby, winking.

"Ew!" Gabby jumps to her feet, making a face. "I think I'm going with Kaci."

Everyone groans.

"This game just isn't going to work, is it?" Nate chuckles.

"I still get my kiss." Sydney flutters her lashes and reaches over to kiss Ryan.

"Still gross." Chaz moans, standing up and heading over to flop on the couch. "I'd rather cuddle and watch some TV. Babe?" He looks hopefully at Gabby while patting the empty seat beside him.

Gabby scrunches her nose. "It's not your lucky day." She whips around and heads upstairs, her brown hair bouncing on her shoulders with every step.

Chaz heaves a sigh. "She's so hot."

"But to her, you're not." Ryan snickers, breaking away from Sydney to go take a seat on the couch.

Sydney blows him a kiss before troting upstairs after her friends.

"Sorry about my sister." Jake blurts. "She can be a party pooper sometimes."

"Tell me about it." I murmur.

"You wanted to kiss her?" Nate questions.

I shrug. "Who doesn't?"

The guys look between each other, all of them nodding except for Jake who has a look of disgust clearly written on his face.

"She's beautiful." Nate smiles.

"Hot." Ryan agrees.

"Super sexy." Chaz drools.

"Mine." I mutter beneath my breath, thanking god when no one heard me.

"You know you're talking about my sister, right?" Jake raises an eyebrow.

Everyone nods.

Jake crinkles his nose. "That's disturbing."

Kaci - 2, Justin - 1


Author's Note: Next chaper should be longer and WAY better!! :) Hope you like this one! Comment Vote Fan!!! xx Thanks!

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