♥ Chapter 5 ♥

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• Kaci •

"It's not over." Justin whispers in my ear as he brushes past me and disappears out the door. I snicker as I watch him walk away, the fruit punch visibly clear on his jeans.

I run a hand through my hair and stumble over to the nearest wall, leaning against it.

My eyes wander around the crowded party room. Everyone was back to minding their own business but I knew that they haven't forgotten about the Justin's-on-his-period joke. In fact, I will absolutely love watching him get harrassed at school tomorrow about the incident.

It's going to priceless.

• • •

"Kaci!" Gabby runs over to me, her brown ponytail swinging back and forth. "How did you get home after the party yesterday?"

"Sydney gave me a ride home," I tell her, shoving a pile of textbooks into my locker. "She's probably the only person who was still sober."

Gabby bites her bottom lip. "Oh..." She pauses. "Do you know what happened last night? I can't remember anything but except waking up safetly in my own bed."

"Hey, Babe." Chaz jogs over, draping an arm around Gabby. "We had fun last night."

Gabby looks at him with wide eyes. "Last night?"

"We kissed. Remember?" Chaz tilts his head to the side and begins to lean in towards Gabby.

She pushes him away. "No. I don't remember." Gabby throws me a nervous look and begins to walk away, Chaz on her heels.

"Aww c'mon! Baby, don't do this!" I hear Chaz call after her.

I chuckle and slam my locker shut, leaning against it.

The next thing I hear is the hallways filled with people yelling: "Yo Justin! Do you need a tampon?" or "Justin, are you still on your period?" and other things I'm not going to get into.

I stifle a laugh as I see Justin angrily walking my way, a pissed off look on his face.

This outta be good.

"You think this is funny?" He snarls, pinning me up against the lockers. All I can do is try my hardest not to laugh.

"Kinda." I nod, biting my bottom lip.

Justin's eyes search mine before he grabs my wrist and pulls me away, dragging me into some dark janitor's closet.

"What do you think you're doing?" I snap, searching for any signs of a light switch.

I find none.

"Payback." Justin whispers, and the next thing I know, his arms are around me and he's pulling me to him. His lips crush mine and he kisses me roughly, not letting me go up for air.

I'm too shocked to respond, but when I feel his tongue slip into my mouth, I kiss him back.

His tongue wrestles with mine and he bites my bottom lip gently, his hands now on my ass, pushing me closer.

A part of me knows that this is wrong and that I shouldn't be giving into him, but another part just doesn't want to let go.

Eventually, Justin pulls away and I stumble back, breathless.

"We're not done." He whispers in my ear before prying open the closet door and disappearing, slamming it shut behind him.

I run a hand through my hair, my breathing somehow uneven.

"Shit." I exhale.

• • •

"Hey. You ok?" Sydney asks me once I take my seat next to her at our lunch table.

"Huh?" I shove my tray aside. "Yeah."

Sydney throws me a suspicious look before turning towards Gabby who had just arrived.

"Are YOU ok?" Sydney raises an eyebrow towards Gabby who's staring down at the table in silence, her mouth slightly open.

"I made out with Chaz." She mumbles, barely audible.

Sydney's eyes widen. "Whoa! Since when are you interested in Chaz?"

"Since I drank seven beers at Nate's last night!" Gabby throws her hands up in frustration.

Sydney laughs softly. "How many beers did Chaz have?"

"None!" Gabby exclaims. "Can you believe that?" She shakes her head back and forth.

Sydney smirks. "Chaz is good-looking and popular. I don't see why you never liked him." She stuffs a fry in her mouth, chewing on it joyfully.

Gabby throws her head down on the table, heaving a sigh. "I just don't...but now I'm not so sure."

Sydney chokes on her fry, looking at Gabby with wide eyes. "I swear, I never expected those words to come out of your mouth."

Gabby shrugs, not looking up.

Sydney looks back at me. I'm absentmindly moving the pile of fries around my tray with my index finger, my eyes glued to my tray.

"I heard what happened with Justin yesterday. He must have been pissed. You go girl." She raises her hand to highfive me but I don't notice.

Sydney lowers her arm, the curious look returning to her face. "You're acting weird today, Kace."

"No, I'm not." I murmur. I look over at the table across the cafeteria where Chaz, Ryan, and Justin where deep in conversation.

Justin looks up, his eyes meeting mine. A small smirk forms on his lips.

I narrow my eyes at him, not saying anything.

It's. Not. Over.

• Justin •

My eyes fall upon Kaci the minute the final bell rings. I stuff everything in my locker (including the weekend's homework) and jog over to her.

"I know you want more." I whisper in her ear, startling her.

She whips around, crashing into my chest. She takes a step back and snarls.

"My ass."

I chuckle. "Chaz, Ryan, Nate, Jake, and I are all going down to Myrtle Beach this weekend. Sydney's tagging along, no doubt. Gabby seems unusually attracted to Chaz, so I won't be surprised if she goes. And you? I know you'll go too. Gabby and Syd will make you." I wink and Kaci's face hardens.

"This weekend outta be fun." I breathe, leaning into her ear.

She places her hands on my chest and pushes me away. "You're a dick, Bieber."

"And you're a bitch, so I think we're even." I cock my head to the side and throw her an innocent smile before brushing past her and walking away.

I'm enjoying this game.

A lot.

Kaci - 3, Justin - 2


Author's Note: Sorry it's short. I thought it was longer. Anywho, did you like this chapter? Looks like Justin's close on Kaci's heels ;) What will happen in Myrtle Beach? Who'll score next? Comment Vote Fan! I absolutely enjoy writing this! xx

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