♥ Chapter 7 ♥

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• Kaci •

I'm sitting on a lawn chair at the hotel's pool listening to Gabby and Sydney go on and on about how hot Tyler Posey is. I didn't really care about the subject so I just sat there, letting my thoughts flow.

I eventually got up, stretching my arms. "I'll be right back." I walk over to Nate, Ryan, and Chaz who were deep in conversation, my brother and Justin no where in sight.

"Have you guys seen my brother?" I ask them.

Nate smiles when he sees me, winking. I force a smile back.

"I think he went up to shower." Ryan tells me and Chaz nods in agreement.

I begin to turn around when I hear Chaz's voice call me back. "Kaci, wait!"

I sigh. "Yes?"

"Has Gabby said anything about me?" He asks, a hopeful glint in his eyes.

I smirk. "She totally digs you."

"Does she?!" He exclaims, now excited.

"Absolutely. Imma go look for my brother now." I chuckle beneath my breath and make my way into the hotel and upstairs, knocking on they boys' room.

"Jake?" I call out. I twist the nod to find the door open. I step inside, no sight of my brother.

My ears perk up when I can hear the low sound of the shower running. I take a step closer to the bathroom door, pressing my ear against it.

"...So tell me what you want, what you really really want,
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ahh. If you want my future forget my past, If you wanna get with me better make it fast..."

I laugh to myself at the sound of Justin's singing. I mean, he honestly has a good singing voice...but the song? Really, Justin? Really?

I plan sketches itself into my mind and I gently creak open the door, thanking god when I see that Justin showers with the shower curtains closed.

I look around the bathroom, my eyes falling on Justin's clothes which was laid on the floor. An evil smile forms onto my face and I slowly reach down and grab them. All of them.

I begin to make my way back out of the bathroom when I realize that Justin's no longer singing...and the shower's not running.

I squeeze my eyes shut, silently beginning to step out of the bathroom when I hear the shower curtains open.

"Shit! Kaci, what the hell?!" Justin's voice exclaims. "What are you-"

"If you want them, come get them!" I tell him, laughing as I run out of the bathroom and hotel room, trying to catch my breath as I dash downstairs and out to the pool where my friends are.

"Kaci, what are those?" Sydney questions as I stop in front of her, breathig hard.

"Justin's...clothes." I manage to say.

Gabby stifles a laugh. "Nice one."

"I know right?" I wink.

"Kaci?!?!" Justin's angry voice echoes. Everyone stops what they're doing to stare at the boy that walks with only a towel around his waist.

I can barely contain my laughter. "Looking for these?" I tease, holding up his clothes. "Do you want them, Justin? Do you really really want them?" I joke, referring to the song he was singing in the shower.

"This isn't funny!" He scowls.

"You're right," Chaz laughs. "It's hilarious!"

I chuckle. "C'mon, Bieber. Come and get them." I hold his clothes over the pool, throwing him a threatening look.

Justin grits his teeth. "You wouldn't."

I cock my head to the side and smlw innocently. "Wanna bet?"

"You're going to regret this-" Justin begins to say as he starts walking towards me but he stops, the towel no longer around his waist.

I slap a hand over my eyes as everyone belts out in laughter.

This is absolutely priceless.

I remove the hand from my face to find that Justin's towel is back in it place, saving me from being scarred for life.

His cheeks are heated up as he begins walking in my direction, this time using his right hand to hold his towel on place.

"Give me my clothes!" He orders, his body brushing against mine as he reaches for his clothes.

"I don't think so." I whisper.

"Kaci-" He begins.

I sigh and push the clothes to his chest. "Fine. I've had my fun." I pause. "But open more thing." I curl my fingers around his towel and rip it off, laughing but quickly shutting my eyes.

"I hate you so much." I hear him say as snatches the towel away from me, probably wrapping it back around his waist.

I reopen my eyes to find him beginning to walk away, cursing beneath his breath. I chuckle and highfive Gabby and Sydney when I walk over, flopping back down on my lawn chair.

"You're a genius." Gabby compliments.

"You got him good." Sydney adds.

"Yep." I lean back in the chair, smiling to myself. "It felt good."

• Justin •

That was humilating. That was absolutely humilating. Nice going, Kaci. Nice going. But I'm not going to let her get away with it that easy. No way.

It's my turn to have some fun.

• Kaci •

The gang and I were going to Olive Garden for dinner tonight and I was the last one to shower. Everyone else went out to the hotel's lot to wait for me.

I hopping out of the shower, cursing beneath my breath when I realize I hadn't brought my clothes into the bathroom.

I wrap towel around myself and step out, heading over to my suitcase.

"You're a funny girl, Kaci." A familiar voice says, startling me.

I whirl around to find Justin casually sitting back on the bed, his lips curved into mischievous smirk.

"What are you doing here?!" I snap, making sure to hold the towel tightly so it wouldn't fall off my body.

Justin chuckles. "Is there a problem with me here?"

"Yes there is!" I inform him. "Get out."

He rolls his eyes and stands up, walking over to me. "But I want to have fun." He whispers, leaning into my ear.

My eyes widen but I don't say anything as he gently presses his lips to my cheek, leaving a trail of kisses down to my neck.

"Justin," I moan once he begins to suck my neck, his hands holding my waist and pushing me closer to him.

I want to push him away. I want to scream at him. But I don't do anything, more moans escaping my lips as he sucks harder, his hands moving to my ass.

I thank god he hasn't made any move to remove my towel. I don't need any of that right now.

"I hate you." I manage to breathe when he pulls away, leaving my heart beating at an abnormal speed.

He cocks his head to the side, smirking. "I hate you too, babe." With that, he turns away, sauntering out of the room.

I inhale and then exhale as I begin to dig through my suitcase, grabbing my clothes and going back to the bathroom.

When I turn to face myself in the mirror, my eyes widen at the big, red mark that was clearly visible where Justin had just been sucking my neck.

Ohhh. Shiiiitt.

Kaci - 4, Justin - 4


Author's Note: Whoo! I feel like I'm on a roll with this story! I'm forever grateful to my cousin Gabby aka xLoveMe for the hickey idea ;] hehe. I think they both deserved a point in this chapter. I mean, c'mon. What Kaci did was priceless lmao! Anywho, comment vote fan!!

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