♥ Chapter 21 ♥

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• Kaci •

I'm lying on my bed, dry tears on my cheeks. It's only six o'clock in the afternoon and I can hear the soft sound of rain hitting the window. I refused to think about anything. Not Justin. Not the fact that prom was two days away. Not anything. I just stared blankly at the ceiling. I had ran out of tears hours ago.

I'm brought back to reality by the sound of someone knocking gently on my door.

"Go away, Mom!" I yell, slamming a pillow over my face.

"Chill," My brother's familiar voice says. "It's just me."

I groan, not bothering to kick him out because I knew be wouldn't leave. I feel the bed sink down beside me where he had probably sat down.

"Are you ready to tell me what's up?" He asks, placing his hand on my arm.

I heave a sigh, pushing my pillow aside and sitting up. "It's Justin." I mumble, hugging my knees to my chest.

Jake crinkles his forehead. "Justin? What does Justin have-"

"We had sex!" I blurt before I could stop myself. I slam my hands over my mouth, but it's too late. Jake's eyes are wide in a mixture of shock, surprise, and anger.

"You what?!" He roars, jumping to his feet. "You and Justin? Kaci, you've hated Justin since the day you met him!" Jake runs a hand through his hair. "Did he force you into it? Was it rape? Did Justin-"

"Jake!" I cut him off. "It's not Justin's fault! I...I wanted to do it."

Jake shakes his head and looks down, not seeking to believe me. "I don't get you, Kaci. When did you and Justin-"

"Get together?" I finish for him. "I don't know." I admit. "We just...did. I kinda started liking him and he claimed to really like me," My voice cracks but I stop myself from crying. "It just happened."

Jake's face softens a little. "Then what's with the tears?" He questions, reaching over to wipe away an escaped tear with his thumb.

I look down, playing with my fingers. "It was all just a game." I murmur. "Justin played me. He did it to Gabby too." The tears start to come out again. "He lied to me. He said he wasn't, but he was!"

"Kaci," Jake pulls me into a hug. "I know Justin and I always thought he had a thing for you. But for him to play you like that?" Jake shakes his head. "It doesn't seem like something he would do."

"But he did!" I practically yell. "He's a fucking player!"



Jake pulls away from me and frowns. "I think you need some sleep, Sis."

I feel myself calm down a bit and I nod, slipping beneath my covers. "You're right."

Jake throws me a "duh" face and begins to walk out of the room.

"Wait, Jake!" I call after him.

He turns around. "Yes?"


"For what?"

"For being the best big brother I could ever ask for."

All Jake does is smile and leave the room.

• Justin •

"I need a girl, not a body with a complex. I got a heart and you've got your lipstick. Fine as hell but I think I might as well drop Annabelle. You're staying up just to dance alone. I'm dressing down 'cause I'm tired and I wanna go home. You look the part but looks don't tell the truth. Well baby you're pretty but I'm pretty sure I'm over you-"

"You fucking dick!" A voice tells and my guitar is snatched out of my arms and thrown aside.

My teary eyes widen and I stand up in anger. "Hey! That cost a fortune!"

"I'm sure you can afford another one."

My eyes look up to meet those of Jake, Kaci's brother. An uneasy feeling forms in my stomach. What the fuck was he doing here?

"You're an ass, you know that?!" Jake takes a step closer to me. A little too close, causing my to step back in response and almost trip over the porch steps.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" I practically shout. Whatever anger that was built up inside me was about to bubble over.

Jake snorts. "My problem? You fuck and play with my sister and you think I'm the one with problem?!" Jake raises his fist and aims at my face before I can stop him.

I feel his fist slam into my eye, sending me backwards. I end up tripping over the steps after all, a sharp pain building in and around my eye. Great, I think. I have to go to school with a black eye tomorrow.

And what the fuck was he talking about? I never played or fucked with Kaci. I actually...thought I had feelings for her. She was the one that fucked and played with me.

"What the fuck, Man?!" My voice is loud and I'm worried that my mother will hear me. "I would never fuck around with Kaci or play her! She fucking played me!" I stand up, my hand covering my right eye in pain. "We had sex. I admit that. But I would never want to hurt Kaci. I thought we had feelings for each other but I guess I was wrong by the way she fucking left me!"

Jake's face is a mixture of confusion and anger. "Kaci was crying!" He snaps. "She was crying and she told me you played her like you played Gabby. She really likes you, you know?"

I'm taken aback for a second. Played Gabby? I never played Gabby. She played me.

I shake my head. "What? No! I never fucked with Gabby. Heck, she was the one who had my convinced she loved me. That is until she finally got into my pants and left me the next morning." I run a hand through my hair, all the pieces falling together in my head. "Jake... Gabby's been lying to Kaci and she had me convinced that Kaci was just like her."

I fall down on the steps. "I am such an idiot." I mumble. "I should have known. I should have fuckin' known."

Jake was silent. All anger towards me seemed to have disappeared from his face.

"I never liked Gabby." He speaks at last, clenching his fists. "I think I should go talk to my sister." He turns away to walk back home, confusion not leaving his face. "Oh, and," He pauses. "Sorry for the black eye."

I wave him off. "it's ok, Man. I would have done the same thing if Kack was my sister."

Jane chuckles. "You care about her?"

I sigh. "You'd be surprised."

• Gabby •

I'm not able to sleep. Ever since Chaz told me he loved me, I felt like guilt was consuming me. It was hard to just push it away. I've never had a guy tell me he loved me. Only Justin. But he hates me now. I can't let that happen with Chaz. I don't want him to hate me. Not him too.

I throw my legs over the side of the bed and sit up, snatching Chaz's button-up shirt off the floor and slipping it on. I was in his bedroom. He was fast asleep on his side of the bed, his clothes scattered on the floor.

His soft snore made my heartbeat quickly. Why was that? I tip-toed over to him and planted a kiss across his lips, letting my own lips linger on his for a second. It felt nice.

I took the tv remote and flipped it on, taking a seat in front of the bed. I scanned through the channels and stopped on The Secret Life of the American Teenager. It's one of my favorite shows but I had a hard time concentrating on it today.

I don't want Justin to fall in love with Kaci. He can't fall for her. He needs to fall for me...again. I'm the girl for him.

I was his first time.


Author's Note: Hope you guys liked this chapter! It was shorter than usual but thats because I wanted to end the chapter there. Anyways, I didnt proof read. Heck, i hardly ever proof read so idk why im saying it now. But that explains all the typos you might find, lol. Well, about four more chapters left until the end! Vote, Fan, and most important, COMMENT!! xx

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