♥ Chapter 11 ♥

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• Kaci •

I'm at my locker, shoving in my textbooks when Chaz jogs up to me.


"Yea?" I slam my locker shut, leaning against it.

"Have you seen Gabby?" He questions. "She hasn't called me and I'm starting to get worried."

"She's home sick. A fever." I inform him. "Don't worry."

His eyes widen slightly. "Is she ok?!"

"I said not to worry." I chuckle. "She should be back tomorrow."

Chaz sighs. "Fine. And if you see Justin, tell him Val's been looking for him." Chaz says before turning to walk away.

"Wait!" I begin to call after him but he doesn't hear me. "Who's Val?"

"What do you mean who's Val?" Sydney appears, scaring the crap out of me.

I heave a sigh. "Chaz mentioned something about some Val looking for Justin."

Sydney smirks. "Val's the biggest slut in the school. I wouldn't be surprised if her and Justin have been hooking up. I mean, a slut and a player. It's a perfect match."

I purse my lips, a knot forming in my stomach. "Oh."

"Maybe he gave up on you." Sydney shrugs. "I think you are different, Kaci. Justin hasn't gotten to you."

"Yeah." I mumble. "I, um, have to get to...class." I clutch my Chemistry textbook against my chest, walking past Sydney and towards the Chemistry classroom.

I stop in my tracks when the janitor's closet suddenly bursts open, a girl falling out, her red lipstick completely smeared. She had wavy, chocolate brown hair and brown eyes, framed with thick lashes. She was slightly taller than me, not by much thought. And she was wearing a short jean skirt along with a tight, blue tank top.

"Excuse me." The girl giggles, heading towards the girl's bathroom, probably to clean up her face.

I'm about to start walking again when Justin steps out of the same closet, the back of his hand wiping his mouth.

He stops when he sees me, a smirk forming on his lips when he drops his hand from his face.

"What?" I snap, trying to walk past him.

He steps in front of me, blocking my path. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?" He asks, cocking his head to the side.

"Aren't YOU supposed to be in class?" I shoot back. "Because it seems you're too busy shoving your tongue down random girls' throats."

Justin chuckles. "Are you jealous? Or are you just PMSing?"

"Neither. Just leave me the hell alone." I push him aside. "Go make out with Val."

"Don't mind if I do."

I clench my fists and keep walking, not giving him the satisfaction of responding.

Why the hell was I feeling so heated?

• • •

I head to lunch, my mood not the brightest. I don't bother grabbing anything to eat. I just saunter over to my lunch table and flop down beside Sydney.

"Aren't you hungry?" She questions.

"Nope." I inform her, propping my elbow up on the table and resting my face against the palm of my hand.

Sydney throws me a curious look. "You ok? You look moody."

I shrug, not saying anything.

"At least drink some milk." She says, pushing a small carton of chocolate milk in my direction.

I push it back. "No thanks."

"Kaci?" A different calls, someone's hand on my shoulder. "Can I talk to you?"

I purse my lips and turn to face Justin. "What?" I snap.

He rolls his eyes and takes my wrist, tugging on it. "Alone."

I groan and follow him to the side of the cafeteria, crossing my arms. "Now what do you want?"

"I broke up with Val." He tells me.

I frown. "Were you even dating her in the first place?"

"No." He says matter-of-factly.

"And do I care?"


I stifle a laugh. "Wrong. I don't care. So can you just leave me alone for the rest of my life?"

Justin narrows his eyes and pins me against the wall, his eyes boring into mine. "I'll leave you alone when you tell me exactly what happened that day at the arcade."

I give him a teasing smile and let my fingers slip around the waist of his pants. "Nothing." I begin to say. "Happened. At. The. Arcade."

And with that, I pull down his pants, letting them fall to the floor, revealing his Family Guy boxers.

I chuckle and flutter my lashes, walking past him and back to my table as the whole cafeteria erupts in laughter.

I look back to see Justin pulling up his pants, a pissed look on his face. He stomps back to his own table, not throwing me a second look.

Will he ever give up?

But the real question is: Did I want him to give up?

• • •

"Jake!" I catch up with my brother after school, following him to the car and jumping into the passenger seat. "Have you talked to Payton?" I ask him, referring to the crush he had revealed yesterday during Truth or Dare.

He purses his lips, starting the ignition. "Yeah."

"About what?"



Jake rolls his eyes, pulling out of the school driveway. "Change of topic," He says suddenly. "I have to drive by Justin's house to give him back his Grand Theft Auto game."

"What!" I begin to protest. "Why didn't you just give it to him at school?"

"He left before I could."

"Can't you just drop me home first?"



"It'll save me gas."

"I hate you."

"Love you too." Jake chuckles. "I still don't see why you hate Justin so much."

"I just do."

Jake rolls his eyes, turning the car onto some road and then pulling into a house's driveway. It's a two-story house with a nice, green lawn and cute, wooden porch. It's no bigger than mine but not smaller either. But it does look nicer.

"Can you go give it to him for me?" Jake asks, pushing a Grand Theft Auto game towards me.

I gape. "No way!"

Jake crosses his arms and leans back in his seat. "I'll just way here all day then."

I groan. "Why are you doing this to me?"

Jake shrugs. "So you guys can just get along for once."

"I hate you so much!"


"Fine!" I snap, prying open the door and stepping out the car.

I hate my brother so much right now.

So much.

Kaci - 7, Justin - 6


Author's Note: How evil of me to just leave you hangin like that... >;) what do u think is gonna happen? Anywho, they both deserved a point once again. Comment Vote Fan !!

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