♥ Chapter 25 ♥

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• Kaci •

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Gabby was...pregnant? It can't be. If she is, then who's the father? Chaz? Is it Chaz? Could it be Justin?

No, don't think like that. I tell myself. Justin wouldn't be that irresponsible if they ever did have sex.

Wait, did they have sex in the first place?

So many thoughts ran through my head.

"You guys can go in and see her. She's in room 6." The doctor tells us, oblivious to the looks of surprise upon our faces. "She can leave whenever she wants."

We mod our heads and the doctor leaves, leaving us alone.

"Who's the father?" Sydney blurts, her head snapping towards Chaz who looks like he's about to to insane.

I lean into Justin's ear. "It's not-"

"I swear it's not me." Justin confirms. "Yeah, I had sex with her, like, a year ago when we dated but I used a condom. It was a year ago anyways. If it was mine, she would have been pregnant a long time ago."

I believe him. I don't know why, but I believe him.

"It can't be mine!" Chaz roars, jumping to his feet. "She was on the pill! Yeah, we have sex, but I was protected!" He shakes his head and Sydney tries to calm him down.

"I thought she was different." Chaz's voice breaks as he sits back down. "I swore I loved her and I though she loved me back, but it was you." Chaz looks at Justin, a sad look on his face. "It was you she wanted all along. I was probably just someone to fuck with."

Everyone goes silent so I take this as my chance to stand up. "I'm going to go talk to her." I inform them before turning away and heading towards Gabby's hospital room.

It was just a few doors down and when I stepped inside, Gabby was sitting up, her face between her knees as she sobbed.

I know I shouldn't, but I couldn't help but feel the least but sorry for her.

"Hey." I speak, walking over to stand beside her. "You OK?"

Gabby looks up, tears running down her face. The look of surprise on her face is obvious. She wasn't expecting me.

"What are you doing here?" Her voice is weak, as if she's been crying for weeks straight.

I heave a sigh. "Look, Gabby. I want you to tell me everything. The truth. But first, I want to know who's the father."

Gabby looks down, fidgeting with her fingers. "It's, um, I..." Her voice fades. She doesn't know what to say. Obviously neither do I, so I just wait for her to settle and tell me.

It takes her a while, but she finally speaks. "It can only be Chaz's. I was on the pill, though! It can't be possible. It just-"

"The pill's not always 100% effective." I point out. "I guess you just got unlucky."

With a sigh, Gabby plops her head back on the pillow. "I'm not ready. I'm not ready for motherhood and I don't think Chaz is ready to be a father. Heck, even if he was, I'm sure he wouldn't want it to be me having his baby."

"Why would you say that?" I ask even though I know the answer.

"He called me a slut. He said I was disrespectful and that I acted like a total bitch. He even said that he that I never gave a shit about him. That I only wanted him for the sex." Gabby's voice cracks but she keeps going. "It's a lie, though! I know I'm late to realize this, but I love Chaz. I just do! He's real. He's honest. And I he loves...well, loved me. I admit I was an absolute bitch. I just have forgotten about Justin. I should have let you have him but I was jealous. I was jealous that everyone thought you were hot and I was jealous that Justin was falling for you. I went out of control. I know that and I'm sorry. I'm truly, honestly sorry. Please forgive me?" She's crying now, tears streaming down her face.

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