♥ Chapter 16 ♥

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• Kaci •

I watch at the paramedics come in and hoist Justin onto a stretcher. Justin flashes me a teasing smile as they're strapping him down.

"You care about me." He teases.

I feel my face heat up. "I, uh, thought it was Ryan who was hurt." I lie.

Justin chuckles. "Seriously, Kace? Ryan? You're a terrible liar."

I heave a sigh. "What if you got seriously hurt? It's my fault because I made you play."

"It's not you fault, Kaci."

"But it is."

"But it's not."

We just stare at each other then, neither of us saying anything. Maybe I did care about him...just a little bit...

The paramedics begin to pull Justin away, the sound of the stretcher scrapping against the ice.

"I'll be at the hospital!" I call after him, letting him know. I suddenly feel an arm around me and someone smirking in my ear.

"He likes you. A lot."

I whirl around, crashing right into Ryan. I blush, pursing my lips but not saying anything.

"I've never seen him like a girl as much as he likes you." Ryan tells me. "You should give him a chance. It's obvious you care about him."

"It's complicated." I state, turning around to walk away and almost slipping on the ice. Ryan catches my arm and hoists me back onto my feet.

"Careful." He leans in closer to my ear. "You're falling." He pauses. "And I'm not talking about the ice."

I pull out of his grasp and carefully make my way off the ice.

Falling? I wasn't falling.

Was I?

I shake my head. No. I can't be.

"What the hell was that about?" Gabby's standing in front of me, her arms crossed and her eyebrow raised.

"What was what?" I ask, hoping to avoid the subject.

She ignores my question. "What are you hiding, Kaci? What's really up with you and Justin?"

"Nothing up." I put air quotes around 'up'. "Justin's my brother's friend, therefore I wanted to make sure he was ok."

Gabby rolls her eyes. "Just admit that something's up."

"Nothing up!"

She smirks. "Really? Because it seems like you're giving in to him. Maybe you're not different after all. You're just like the rest of us." She brushes past me before I can speak up and defend myself.

I clench my teeth and head out of the arena, glancing around the parking lot for someone that could give me a ride to the hospital.

"Hey!" A familiar voice calls and I look to my left to see Nate walking my way.


"What are you-" I begin to ask but he cuts me off.

"I made it back and remembered Ryan's game was today. He wanted me to come. What are you doing here?" He questions.

"Same as you." I shrug. "The game's going on but they just lost a player. Justin broke a leg and he's at the hospital." I cock my head to the side, raising an eyebrow. "Speaking of, is there any chance you can give me a quick ride to the hospital? I originally rode with Gabby but we kinda got into a small argument..." my voice fades and I bite my lip, crossing my fingers in hopes that Nate would say yes.

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