♥ Chapter 6 ♥

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• Kaci •

"What the hell is this about Myrtle Beach?!" I snap once I approach my brother who's casually leaning against his convertible.

Jake shrugs. "It was just an idea that came up between Justin, Chaz, Ryan, Nate, I. Sydney's agreed to go so we're just waiting for you and Gabby."

I frown. "I do not want to go anywhere with Bieber!" I exclaim.

Jake sighs, throwing his head back. "It's not like you two will be sharing a hotel room. Just c'mon, Kace. We all want you to come."

I cross my arms. "Fine. I'll go. But only because I don't want to stay home alone with mom and dad."




"Get in the car."

• • •

So Gabby agreed to go and we're now all standing outside my house waiting for Justin and the gang. They showed up just in time and to my luck, we got split into cars, leaving Justin and I far from each other.

So far so good.

"Still liking Chaz?" I randomly blurt towards Gabby who's sitting in the backseat of Jake's convertible.

She shrugs. "It's complicated."

"As in you like him complicated or you don't want to admit it complicated?" Sydney butts in.

"It's just complicated, ok?" She snaps and then turns towards Jake. "So Jake. Do you have a girlfriend?"

He smirks. "In fact I do. Her name's Megan Fox and we've been dating for about twenty years."

"You're 17." Sydney points out.

"And Megan Fox?" Gabby chuckles. "Really?"

Jake rolls his eyes. "A guy can dream."

• • •

We arrive at our hotel at around 9 pm. The boys got a room and the girls got another. Sydney and Gabby shared a bed while I got my own.

It wasn't long before Jake bursts into our room, a frown on his face. "I hate you." He murmured, crawling in beside me.

I raise an eyebrow towards my brother. "Why is that?"

"Let's keep it simple. There are only two beds. Chaz and Ryan shared one. Justin and Nate shared the other." He tells me. "One of us had to come sleep here." He motions towards himself. "Of course, Me."

I roll my eyes and slap him with my pillow. "Go to sleep." I pause. "And don't snore."

"No promises."

"I hate you."

• • •

I wake up the next morning to find out I'm the only one in the room. I frown and stumble out of bed, heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I find a note from Jake saying that they've all gone down for breakfast and for me to meet them there. I throw away the note and get dressed, placing my bikini beneath my clothes: a white tanktop and pair of jean shorts. I slip on my sandals and head out of the room...and to my dismay, crashing into someone's chest.

I scowl, looking up at Justin in silence.

He tilts his head to the side and smirks, taking a step closer to me. "I told you you'd come."

"So what?" I snap.

He only shrugs, leaning in closer to me. "You'll see." He whispers and then pulls away, snickering and making his way down the hall.

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