♥ Chapter 24 ♥

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• Kaci •

"Kaci Rae Amador, give me three fucking minutes to explain."

Clenching my teeth, I turn around to see Justin standing on the stage. The DJ looks pissed and it's pretty obvious Justin had taken the mic without permission. Everyone had stopped to watch the show, all eyes on me.

I stay still, awaiting for him to explain whatever the fuck he wanted to explain. I was sick of his games.

Realizing I was waiting for him to move on, Justin clears his throat.

"Listen, Kaci." He begins. "You probably think I'm some heartless player who sleeps around and lies to girls,"

"You got that right." I mutter to myself.

"But your wrong." He finishes his sentence. "I may seem like it, but I'm not. I know that down you know that. The times we spent together..." He chuckles softly at the memories. "Those were the best times of my life, even if it was just sitting in my room playing my guitar as you listened."

The room erupts in whispers at the realization that Justin plays guitar. He ignores it and keeps going.

"What you saw in there," He motions to the hall where I walked in on him and Gabby. "was all wrong. Gabby threw herself at me and I was trying to push her off. You saw it all wrong, Kace. Trust me. I have absolutely no feelings for Gabby and ever since I met you, no other girl seemed to matter."

I look down at my feet, deciding on whether to believe him or not.

"I'm sorry, Kaci. I'm sorry for believing Gabby when she told me that you were playing me. I'm sorry for not being able to push her away earlier. And I'm sorry for anything else I might have done the hurt you." He look in his eyes is sincere. "And Kaci," He says and I look back up, meeting his eyes. "I...I love you."

I feel a tear run down my cheek and I have no idea how to react. He loves me? Did Justin Drew Bieber just say he loves me?

The crowd erupts into "awes" and "forgive him, Kaci!"

A blush creeps on my cheek. Justin hands the mic back to the DJ and mutters something that must of been an apology before stepping off the stage. The crowd parts, allowing him to walk towards me.

I'm silent and unmoving as he reaches me, bringing himself to a stop in front of me.

"Kaci?" His fingers touch my chin and he tilts it up so that my eyes stare into his. "Do you forgive me? Please forgive me." Not only is there honesty in his voice, but there's hope and sadness and love all mixed together.

"Justin," I manage to say eventually. "I don't know if I should...but I forgive you. I forgive you."

A smile falls onto his face and he wraps his arms around me, pulling me into a hug. "Thanks, Kaci. I really do love you, you know."

I hug him back, breathing in his scent. He smelled of axe and cheap cologne.

And I loved it.

"Justin?" I pull away slightly and wrap my arms around his neck. "I never thought I would say this, but I love you too."

His smile widens and he places his hands on my waist. "Your beautiful." He compliments me as "Daydream Away" by All Time Low begins to play.

We begin to sway with the music and I find myself resting my head on his shoulder.

"Thanks," I tell him. "And you look...handsome."

"You hesitated." He points out, chuckling. "Does that mean you're lying?"

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