♥ Chapter 20 ♥

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• Kaci •

I haven't seen Justin all day. He wasn't in class and I didn't see him during lunch. It makes me wonder whether he came to school or not.

As I'm closing my locker, I glance back. Sure enough, there he was, leaning against his locker and staring into absolutely nothing.

He must have skipped English and lunch, I think. I put a smile on my face, images from the previous night flashing through my mind as I make my way up to him.

"Hey." I grin, waiting for him to lean down and kiss me, his lips savoring mine like they did last night.

But all Justin does is look away, his lips pursed and his far hardened.

I take a step back, worry rising in my stomach. "Justin, is something wrong?"

He looks back at me, his eyes narrowed and full of hate. "As if you wouldn't know." He spats, and with that, he turns and walks away, leaving me clueless as to what had just happened.

Did I do something wrong? Why was he being this way? I thought last night confirmed our feelings towards each other. Maybe not through words, but through actions.

Or maybe those feelings didn't exist in the first place.

"What's up?" A voice chirps, interrupting my train of thought.

I turn around to see Gabby standing there, looking between me and Justin's locker.

I sigh. "I don't know." I tell her, leaning against the row of lockers. "Justin's acting strange as if...as if he wanted nothing to do with me."

It hurts to hear those words coming out of my mouth. Justin's wanted me since I first moved here. Why turn away when he finally has me?

Gabby snorts, not seeming the least bit surprised. "Kaci, Justin's a player. Sydney and I warned you. All he wanted was to get in your pants." She shrugs. "That's what he did to me. Yeah, it hurt. But I'm over it now. I finally know what an asshole he really is."

I frown, finding it hard to believe Gabby's words. It's true though. Everyone's told me that Justin's a player.

But he didn't seem that way with me. He acted as if he...as if...as if he loved me.

"He seemed...different with me." I murmur.

Gabby rolls her eyes, brushing a piece of brown hair out of her eyes. "Oh, please. It's just a game. He got what he wanted and now he wants nothing to do with you. He threw you aside like a used rag and is moving on to the next." She smirks. "Jerk."

Tears are stinging in my eyes. A part of me refuses to believe her.

But the other part knows that she could be right.

I shake my head and brush past her, blinking back tears. "I'm so stupid. I'm so god damn stupid!"

With those words being said, I sprint through the hallways and out of the school, collapsing by the nearest tree and burying my face in my hands.

I cried.

• Justin •

I'm sitting on my old skateboard, my face expressionless as I stare out into the emptiness of my neighborhood.

I should have known Kaci was only playing me. Damn Gabby for being right. Why did she have to be right?

I shake my head and squeeze my eyes shut, pushing back the tears that were trying to force their way out.

I actually thought what Kaci and I had was real. It felt real. It felt different. It felt magical.

I might have even fallen in love with her.

But it was all a mistake. It was a big, damn mistake. I should have just left her alone the day I saw her. I should have dropped the game.

But I did drop it. I dropped it a long time ago.

I dropped it when I began to fall for her.

• Gabby •

"Sydney and Ryan are going to see Paranormal Activity 3 to tonight and asked if we wanted to come. You up for it?" Chaz asks me as we walk towards his house hand-in-hand.

I barely hear his question because I'm too busy searching for Justin's house. He should be home by now. The advantage of dating Chaz was that Justin lived only a few doors down.

I think back at what I told Kaci earlier. That she was only a game to Justin. My plan had worked. They think they played each other when in reality I was the one behind it all.

Justin should be with me, not Kaci. He belonged to me first.

I smirk to myself. But I don't want him anymore. I just want him to be unhappy

Justin's house comes into view. I squint my eyes to see a faraway figure sitting on the porch.

Justin. His face was in his hands and he was unmoving.

A knot formed in my stomach. Guilt? Nah. I probably just didn't have a good lunch.

"Um, Gab?" Chaz interrupts my thoughts. "You haven't answered my question."

"Oh, sorry." I quickly rack my brain to remember what he had said. Something about seeing Paranormal Activity 3....? "I've busy tonight." I tell him. "Maybe some other time."

A look of disappoint flashes across Chaz's face but he quickly hides it. "Oh, well, some other time then."

He suddenly sighs and takes a seat on the sidewalk, pulling me down with him.

Confused, I throw him a questioning look.

"Gabby," He begins to say. "I've wanted to tell you this all week but I just never knew how to say it."

A worry crease forms on my forehead. Was he going to break up with me. This wasn't how things work. I was supposed to break up with him. Not the other way around.

"Gabby," His hand gently touches my chin and he lifts my head up slightly so that I was looking into his eyes. "I love you."

And that was when my heart began to feel heavy.

• Kaci •

"Kaci?!" My brother's voice echoes through the school yard. "kaci, where-" He doesn't finish because he spots me.

I try to hide my tears as he returns over. I fail, just letting the to continue to slide down my face.

"What's wrong?" Jake questions, worried as he helps me up and pulls me into a brotherly hug. "Who's ass am I kicking?"

I can help but crack a small smile at that. I shake my head. "No one's. I don't want to talk about it."

Jake frowns. "Kace, you need to trust me. I'm your brother. We may have our fights but you're still my little sister and I love you. I'm here for you, you know."

I don't even know how to respond to that so I burst into tears, soaking his dark blue shirt.

Jake sighs and leads me away as he whispers reassuring words into my ear.

"We'll talk later." He promises. "And I guarantee whoever did this will get there ass kicked."

I nod in agreement, a part of me not wanting Justin to get hurt but the other part wishing him hell for playing me the way he did.

I lost my virginity to a guy who ended up not caring about me.

I lost my virginity to a guy I could have sworn I was beginning to fall in love with.


Author's Note: Sorry for not uploading in a while! I know this was short and emotional but it's hopefully going to lighten up. I wrote from Gabby's POV. What did y'all think of that? (; COMMENT VOTE FAN xx

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