♥ Chapter 9 ♥

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• Kaci •

I fall back on my bed, cursing myself. Why did I let him kiss me again? Why was I feeling this way? This was just a game to him. Nothing but a game.

I won't fall for Justin. Hell no. I hate him. He'll never get to me. I'm winning this game one way or another.

That kiss? It meant nothing. It was nothing. It was just like the rest. Or was it? Yes it was. It had to be. I don't feel anything towards Justin.

It's just hate.

Just hate...

• • •

I head to breakfast the next morning with Gabby and Sydney chatting excitedly beside me.

"You kissed him?!" Sydney squeals, nudging Gabby teasingly.

Gabby rolls her eyes. "He's surprisingly nice! And he kept his word. He didn't try anything. I think I really like him."

"That's good to hear." Sydney winks and then turns to me. "What did you do all night?"

"Watch tv." I lie. Well, it wasn't a COMPLETE lie...

"You should have tagged along. I'm sure Nate would have wanted you too." Gabby tells me, a smile on her face.

I roll my eyes. "I'm sure he did."

I look around the small breakfast area, not really hungry. I spot the ice cream machine and saunter over to it, deciding to only get a cone.

I grab a cone and place it under the machine, pushing down the button and letting the vanilla create a perfect swirl.

"Good morning." A familiar voice says from behind me.

I turn around to face Justin who has a cocky smile on his face.

I frown. "Go away."

A puzzled look falls onto his face. "I only said-"

"Go away!" I repeat, a little more loudly this time.

Justin leans forward, his breath on my lips. "Can I at least kiss you again?"

"You're such an ass!" I shriek, slamming my ice cream cone onto his head.

He jumps back, startled, ice cream dripping down his face. "What the hell?!"

I shoot him a glare as I make myself another cone, quickly making my way back to Gabby and Sydney.

There's a scowl clearly written on Justin's face as he does the best he can to clean the ice cream off himself.

I smirk to myself.

It back on.

The games aren't over.

• Justin •

What the hell just happened? Did I do something wrong? I thought that kiss ended whatever game was going on between us.

Guess I was wrong. If Kaci wants to keep playing...

Then I'll keep playing.

• Kaci •

I avoid Justin the rest of the day. The ride back home was Justin-free since he was in the other car and I thank god when Jake and I finally get home from dropping off Gabby and Sydney.

"So what's the real deal with you and Justin?" Jake asks as we head up the stairs to our rooms.

"Nothing's up between Bieber and I." I inform him.

Jake smirks. "Then why did you slam your ice cream cone onto his head this morning?"

"He was being an ass." I shrug, going towards my room.


"He just was." I snap, disappearing into my bedroom. I slam the door behind me and flop down on the bed.

Justin has kissed me three times...but why did the last one feel so different? It meant absolutely nothing.

It was just a game

Nothing but a game...

• • •

The next day at school was absolutely boring. Gabby and Sydney would endlessly talk about their boyfriends (yes, Gabby and Chaz were an item now) and Justin wouldn't stop throwing me weird looks.

What did those looks mean? He hasn't tried anything...


And every moment of silence I had, our last kiss would always pop into my head.

All I would do was keep trying to convince myself it meant nothing.

When the bell rang for biology, I slammed my locker shut and began to make my way down the hall.

Just as I passed the janitor's closet, a hand appeared, forcefully pulling me inside.

I already knew who it was.

"What the hell do you want with me, Justin?" I snap.

I hear him sigh. "I want to know what happened."

"What happened?"

"You know what happened!"

"I don't recall anything."

Justin groans and flicks on the lights, his face staring back me with a frown.

"Don't act clueless. You know very well happened!"

I roll my eyes. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Justin throws his hands up in frustration. "The arcade. The kiss. You avoiding me the whole time after that."

I curve my lips into a frown. "You've lost it, Bieber. I don't remember any arcade or any...kiss."

Justin opens his mouth to argue but closes it again. There's a desperate look on his face and before I can react, his lips are mine, kissing me roughly. He cups me cheek, sliding his tongue into my mouth.

"Fuck!" He yells suddenly, taking a step back. "Did you just bite me?"

I smirk and lean over to him. "Nothing. Happened." I tell him before prying open the closet door and stepping out, slamming it behind me and leaving Justin there.

I quicken my steps and finally make to biology, collapsing into my desk with a sigh.

Nothing happened, Bieber. I think to myself.


Kaci - 5, Justin - 4


Author's Note: And...the games are back on. Do you think they'll ever forget what happened at the arcade? Hm... And who do you think will get the next point? Comment Vote Fan !! Also, Team Justin or Team Kaci ?

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