(9) Win Some, Lose Some

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*Chloe's POV*

"What're you doing today?" Veronica asks me on this beautiful Monday morning, hint the sarcasm.

"Hopefully going job hunting. I need to get a job so I don't have to depend on David and mom to keep sending me money. I know they're more than happy to help but they also send some to Ethan and I just don't want to be too much on them, ya know?" I throw my hair up into a pony tail and admire how long and blonde it is. I love my new hair.

"Yeah, I completely understand. I hear that Starbucks is hiring." She winks at me.

"Starbucks is such a cliche college job. I want something easy and flexible to my schedule and schooling." I admit, brushing the mascara wand across my eyelashes.

"That's true. That pub is hiring," she says while beginning to curl a strand of her hair.

"What pub?" I question.

"The one downtown. It's actually not that far from here, just a couple blocks away. You could drive there in literally ten minutes, walking, in about say twenty or thirty." She curls another strand.

"That sounds promising. I'll check it out after my class today." I slip on my trusty worn out converse. Maybe when I get a job I'll make enough money to afford another pair.

"See ya!" Veronica smiles at me as I grab my bag and head for the door. Monday's actually aren't that bad considering I only have a minimum of two classes: one in the morning and then the other around one o'clock.

After my classes end, I decide to take a bus downtown where the pub is located in hopes of getting a job there.

I make my way through the thick wooden doors and alcohol rushes through my sense of my smell. I see a man behind the bar, wiping it down with a wash cloth. As I get closer, I notice his arms covered in tattoos and a beard that goes almost down to his collarbones. He's very tall and very big; almost kind of intimidating. I try my best to stay calm and professional.

"Can I help you?" His grizzly voice breaks through the silence as I approach the bar.

"Um, yeah. My friend said you guys were hiring?" I question.

His whole features soften as he hears me speak. "Yes we are actually. Have you ever had any experience?"

"Unfortunately, no. But I'm a really fast learner and a hard worker." I admit, trying to sound confident but not cocky.

"Alright, you're hired. You'll need to buy a uniform shirt." The man says reaching underneath the counter and placing a black tee shirt on the bar.

"How much?" I ask, looking down into my wallet. I only have ten dollars.

"Twenty-five." He says and I bite my lip nervously.

"I um, I only have ten." I sigh, feeling sort of defeated. This is exactly why I need a job.

The man looks around the pub, to me, over his shoulder, then back around the pub. He slides the tee shirt over to me and winks. "On the house," he gives me a genuine smile and I return it.

"Thank you so much. I will pay you back as soon as I get the extra fifteen dollars!"

"Eh, don't worry about it-" he pauses, looking at me questioningly.

"My name is Chloe," I realize he is waiting for my name and I extend my hand over the bar. He shakes it firmly and I notice how his giant hands swallow mine.

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