(22) Rebuild

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*Chloe's POV*

"Do you think he will call tonight?" Veronica asks as we shuffle through the racks at Victoria Secret.

"I don't know, honestly. I hope he does but I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't." I tell her while picking up a vibrant blue bra and immediately putting it back, realizing it was too blue for my taste.

"I think he will, I mean it's been a while. I'm certain he misses you." Veronica smiles, reassuring me as she throws some underwear in her shopping bag.

"I know I miss him. I can't believe I messed up so bad. I should've listened to his side of the story, ya know?" I mope and shuffle through the copious amount of sweatpants.

"Yeah, I understand, but hey, let's just forget about it for now and do some binge shopping." I nod in agreement and place the thoughts of Ethan to the back of my mind.

About forty minutes, later I check out of the store with a pair of purple lace thongs, a pair of black and white polka dot boy shorts, and two push up bras. Normally, I'm not the type of person to just blow money but I actually only spent ninety dollars because Veronica's friend, Celeste, works there and got us a huge discount plus there was already a sale going on so I scored big time.

"I can't wait to wear these!" Veronica squeals, admiring her new cheekies. Of course they've cheetah print on them.

"I'm pretty excited for my new bras, honestly. When I tried them on, it was like I wasn't even wearing a bra. They're that comfy!." I admit as we make our way down the escalator. We make a few more pit stops at Rue 21, Forever 21, and Hot Topic before leaving the mall.

"I say this trip was pretty successful!" Veronica smiles as we head down the road, going to the wonderful destination of Panera. The traffic is actually not too hectic today which is very surprising.

The weather is very nice today. I love October. It's so breezy and nice. The leaves fall in Central Park and crunch when you walk on them along the sidewalk. The fountain water is cold and clear.

"What're you going to eat?" I ask Veronica as we take our seats in Panera.

"I think I'm going to get butternut squash soup, you?"

"I'm really feeling the broccoli and cheese soup, actually."

The waiter comes and takes our orders, gives us our drinks, and shortly after our soups arrive. It was quite silent between Veronica and I because of eating our soup but I was mainly quiet because I had a lot on my mind.

Vince is a very odd character, if I do say so. There's something off about him but I just can't put my finger on it. Veronica seems to like him very much, which I mean why wouldn't she? He is her brother, after all.

The fact that he's just a little overly friendly, and too touchy sort of bothers me. I wonder if he always hits on her friends. Maybe that's why she's okay with it? Maybe it's different in Italy and men can do whatever they please without the consent of a woman? I'm honestly not sure. I decide to stop theorizing and over analyzing and finish my soup just as Veronica finishes hers. We pay and leave and make our way back to the dorm.

It's about eight o'clock when we return. We would've got home sooner if Veronica hadn't stopped for donuts, but I'm not complaining. I love donuts; especially Krispy Kreme.

"Ladies," Vince smirks as we enter our dorm. It smells highly of cologne and popcorn. I notice Kyle standing awkwardly in the kitchen.

"Hey, Kyle!" Veronica greets him with a hug, smiling wide. He returns the hug and he smiles back. They begin talking and Vince captures my attention by shoving a bowl in my face.

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