(10) Chivalry Isn't Dead

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"I can't believe I fell that hard," Veronica winces at the pain in her ankle. I press the bag of ice to it gently, trying not to cause her more pain. Kyle sits down beside of her, letting her clench his hand.

"Do you think it's broken?" Kyle asks softly, staring at her bruised ankle.

"No! No! It can't be broken!" She squeezes his hand harder and I remove the bag of ice. Her ankle is a grossly colored purple, almost black; it's very swollen as well.

"Maybe we should take her to the-"

"Don't you dare say the h word!" Veronica screams in Kyle's face as he finishes his sentence.

"-hospital." Veronica gasps at his words and I roll my eyes.

"It's just the hospital. It's not like they're gonna amputate your foot off from the ankle, Veronica." I throw the bag of ice into the sink and slip into my shoes.

"No! I don't want to go! I'm fine! See!" She stands up but immediately winces at the pain and falls onto Kyle's lap.

"Yeah, you're totally fine." Kyle scoffs.

"Will you carry her to the car, please?" I ask Kyle while grabbing my phone and bag.

"Of course." Kyle wraps one arm around her back and the other under the bends of her legs. She hops slightly into his arms and wraps hers around his neck.

"Woah," she says but the look on her face indicates she didn't mean to say it out loud.

"What?" Kyle asks as we make our way to the car.

"Um, nothing you're just um really tall?" She speaks slowly as if not sure of herself.

"Thanks," Kyle replies. "I'm six three, almost six four."

I open the car door for Kyle and he slides Veronica into the backseat and buckles her seat belt. She props her foot on the console in order to reduce some of the pain.

It takes about thirty minutes to get to the hospital. We approach the desk and the desk clerk looks sort of appalled by Veronica in Kyle's arms.

"What happened?" The woman with fire red hair asks me.

"My clumsy friend had a rolling skating accident and we're not sure if her ankle is broken or not." The woman types on the keyboard and directs us to the door behind her.

"Down the hall, take the second left, then it's the fourth door on the right." She hands me a clipboard and we make our way to the room. I shuffle through the papers and pull a pen out of my bag.

"Veronica do you have health insurance?" I ask as we reach the room. Kyle sets her on the bed and takes a seat in the chair beside her bed. He puts some pillows under her ankle and she smiles at him, genuinely.

"Yeah, I think so." She says softly. "Did you bring my purse?" I nod and hand over her purse and the clipboard. She begins filling out the information then comes a knock at the door.

"Hello, I am Doctor Greene. What seems to be the problem miss?" The tall man with salt and pepper hair looks at Veronica. She takes a big gulp as he approaches her. When he tries to touch her ankle she jerks away but instantly regrets the decision.

"I'm sorry, sir. She's not fond of hospitals or doctors." I admit.

"Well, what happened exactly?" He asks me. Kyle grabs Veronica's hand again, letting her know everything is okay.

"All three of us went roller skating and her being the clumsiest out of us all, she was turning the corner and fell really weird and her leg bent several times under her - it's very hard to explain - but long story short, we're not sure if she's broken it or if it's just a sprain." I tell him the story and he nods slowly, typing into the computer beside of Veronica's bed. She watches him closely, her eyes are very untrustworthy of the man.

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