(35) Progress

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*Ethan's POV*

"It's been almost three weeks and you've made amazing progress. I'm very proud of you Ethan. How are your journals coming along?" Ms. Tai smiles at me from across the room. I've been having therapy sessions with her since Chloe went back to New York. I'm glad Chloe convinced me to get a therapist; Ms. Tai has helped a lot more than I thought she could.

"They're actually coming along great. I wrote about what you told me to," I admit. Ms. Tai believed if I had written about my past, it could help me have some closure and she was right. It felt good to get all of my emotions and feelings out. I know I already got most of my feelings out when I told Chloe but by telling my therapist, I felt even more relieved, her being a professional and all.

"Excellent. I think our sessions have been doing so well you should only come once a week now instead of three. Is that okay?" She asks me, shoving her fire red hair behind her ear and I begin feeling a little conflicted. I want to continue having my sessions three days a week with her but if she believes I'm ready for just one day a week I guess I should agree.

"Yeah, that's fine." I half lie. I think I can do this on my own. I have Chloe so technically I'm not alone. I can't wait to see her next week. We get two weeks worth of Christmas break and I am so excited to see her and spend a ton of time with her.

"Splendid! For next weeks journal entry, I would like for you to write about where you see yourself when you're thirty. I know that seems far away considering it's ten years from now but I'm sure you have ideas and ambitions of how you would like your life to turn out." Ms. Tai stands and I stand to face her. I shake her hand and exit her office.

I have a lot to think about. I do have ambitions and ideas of how I want my life to be and when you think about it, ten years aren't too far from now. I'm just not exactly one hundred percent sure about what I want to accomplish before I'm thirty. I guess I'll have to give it a lot of thought this week.

I turn the volume up in my truck and make my way back to the dorm. I'm basically back to having the dorm all to myself considering how much Colton stays with Evi. I'm glad he is happy though. I'm also glad that she's happy and Colton is the cause of it and vice versa.

I quickly snap out of my thoughts as I see a flash of white sprint out in front of my truck, into the street. I slam on my brakes, creating black tire tracks behind me. Smoke begins bellowing out from underneath the tires and around the cab of my truck. I realize my eyes are screwed shut and I open them slowly not sure what will be before me. I look around the sidewalks and see no one. I get out of my truck and walk to the front of it. A small kitten is sitting right in front of my tire, scared to death. It's shaking furiously as I approach it. The kitten's eyes get large as I reach out to it. At first I thought it was going to run away but instead it runs directly toward me. I pick it up and quickly make my way back into my truck. Noticing I'm in the middle of the road, I pull into a nearby gas station and park.

I check the kitten for a tag or collar but it has neither. There are black spots all over the kitten and when I look closer I realize it's oil and not natural spots. Poor kitty. We're not allowed to have pets in the dorms but what am I suppose to do with it? I can't just leave it to wonder around helplessly, lost, sad, confused, and without a home. My big heart and stupid conscious gets the best of me and I decide to sneak it into my dorm despite the rules.

When I finally arrive at the dorm, the kitten is asleep on my thigh. I try to think of a way to sneak it past the dorm advisors office and remember I have my gym bag behind my seat. I use an old hoodie and make a little bed for the kitten and lay it in the bag, zipping it halfway so it can still breathe. Luckily the kitten remains asleep until I get into my room. I take it out of the bag and put it in the sink. I pour some dish soap on it and begin scrubbing it's fur with my fingers. The kitten is so small, I decide against filling the sink up in fright that it could drown; then again I'm probably being paranoid.

I'm able to get all of the grease off of the kitten and realize while I'm drying it off that the kitten is in fact female. I hold her in the palm of my hand while I search the fridge for something to feed the kitten. I find some turkey and shred it before feeding it, piece by piece, to the kitten. She purrs loudly as I rub my thumb across the top of her head, smoothing her fur.

"Yo! Ethan! You here?" Colton bursts through the door, startling the kitten. I throw a magazine, from the table, at his chest and he flinches as it hits him.

"What the-"

"Shh, she's sleeping you dumb fuck." I roll my eyes, petting her soft fur, soothing the kitten so she can continue to sleep.

"Wow. You're becoming soft on me, Ethan. You use to be all bad ass, drinking and shit and now you're shushing me over a sleeping kitten. Where did you get that thing anyways?" Colton asks while taking a seat at the table.

"I almost hit it on my way home from therapy." I admit. I can't imagine what I would've done if I hit it.

"I thought you can't have pets in the dorms?" Colton asks the most obvious questions and I roll my eyes.

"You can't. But what do you expect me to do? Pitch it out the door and let it fend for itself?" I ask him, a little agitated. It just wants to be loved. The kitten and I are similar and that's why I couldn't let it go. I won't let it go.

"Did you name it?" Colton changes the subject slightly, obviously knowing he irritated me.

"Not yet. I'm thinking of a name." I admit.

"How about snowball?" Colton chuckles and I scoff loudly.

"How original." I reply flatly. I continue petting her soft fur and realize it's just as soft as Chloe's hair.

"What about blanco? Isn't that like Spanish for white?"

"I think I'm going to name her Marie," I try not to smile but I think Colton noticed.

"After Chloe's middle name? How original." He mocks me and I shrug my shoulders.

"I like it." I tell him. Marie is a pretty name and I believe it fits the kitten. She has big green eyes and really long black whiskers. She's beautiful.

"Dude, not meaning to change the subject but I need to talk to you about something!" Colton's voice raises in excitement and I furrow my eyebrows. What kind of shit is about to happen now. God only knows with Colton.

"So I was thinking about marrying Evi." Colton blurts out and my heart completely stops and I'm taken aback.

"You what?" I ask, clearly confused. What does he mean married? Like white wedding and cake and honeymoon married?

"I want to marry Evi, Ethan. I am in love with her and I don't want her to be with anyone else. What do you think?"


OOOOOOHH cliffhanger. I am so so sorry please don't hate me! Anywho, any ideas on what you think Ethan might say?

I hope you guys enjoyed this cute/sweet chapter. I felt like you guys needed a break from all the drama..until you got to the end of the chapter that is.. Oops :)

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