Willow Montgomery - My Chemical Romance

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I stared out the window of the plane and sighed. My phone had gone flat ages ago and the clock on the wall had stopped. The sky was black and the stars were twinkling their brightest. What could make the night any better? One answer: my real family. I was abandoned when I was five and had been going from foster home to foster home. I hated it but at least I got to see the world. My biggest fear was of staying in one place and not being able to leave. I sighed, resting my head on the window and glaring at the person sitting next to me. He was snoring away and reminded me of a skunk because he smelt like one. Hadn’t this guy ever heard of a shower? Probably not. One of the flight attendants kept on shooting me glares for some unknown reason and it was starting to get a bit annoying. I sniffed at the air and scrunched up my nose. Knowing that my senses were better than anything, I caught a massive whiff of skunk-man, a little boy, someone bleeding, the flight attendants’ furry smell, a baby’s milk – wait the flight attendant smelt like a dog. Ew. Crap, maybe she knew I was a vampire. Yes, vampires are real. We are made by force or born from a vampire couple. I was neither. I was born from human parents. Sighing again, I thought about what my parents looked like. I knew I had Mums’ hair and eye colour and had Dad’s facial features, but no one knows where I got my skinniness from or my tallness. I guess one day, I would find that out.

“Excuse me,” said the annoying flight attendant, “but you need to turn your light off. People are trying to get to sleep. Thank you.”

I rolled my eyes and switched the light off, poking my tongue out at the attendants’ back as she was walking away. Closing my eyes, I fell asleep under the creepy feeling I was going to be in a lot of trouble.

Willow Montgomery - My Chemical RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now