Are You FREAKIN Blind?!

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I shot up and panted. Sweat fell from my forehead and into my eyes. I glanced around and saw that I was lying on the couch in the lounge room, with a blanket draped over me and my school books lying on the floor. I brushed some hair out of my eyes and looked at my hands. Footsteps approached me and I looked over my shoulder to find Donna walking in.

“Willow, I was about to wake you,” she smiled and I smiled softly back.

“Sorry, just too much school work tires me out,” I said and she laughed.

“Well, we are having a guest over soon and I was going to ask you to get out of that uniform.”

Her eyes glimmered with laughter and I titled my head to the side.


“That uniform is worse that both my sons’,” she laughed and I rolled my eyes, laughing as well.

You will regret ever coming into this world, Willow.

I stopped and frowned. That voice sounded familiar, although I couldn’t place where I had heard it before.

“Hey, umm, it is okay if I go for a shower?” I asked and Donna nodded.

I jumped off the couch and ran upstairs to my room. I reefed the cupboard doors open and dug around. I found a dark blue pair of jeans and a white t-shirt with a black horse on it. I quickly showered, washing my hair in the process and jumped out, drying and dressing in record time. I wrapped my hair in the towel and stared at myself in the mirror. My eyes had a red glow to them and my skin was tanner than usual. I opened my mouth slightly and I could see little dints in my lips from my fangs. Sighing, I unwrapped the towel from my hair and stared at the girl in the mirror.

“Willow?” came Gerard’s voice and I snapped my head to the door.

“Yeah?” I replied.

“Can you please hurry up?” he shouted and I smirked.

“Yeah sure,” I replied.

I grabbed the brush and swept it through my hair, releasing it of any knots. I stared at the mirror and sighed. The t-shirt hung loosely down my upper-body and my hair hung dead straight. I growled at my appearance and jerked the door open. Gerard fell forward and landed on the ground with a yelp. I glared at him and he stared at me.

“What’s up with you?” he asked and I hissed at him.

“Leave me alone,” I growled and stalked away to my room.

I slammed the door shut and reefed the window open, a crispy spring breeze swept around the room. I sighed and walked out onto the balcony overlooking the forest behind the house. Gripping the railing, my knuckles turned white and I clenched my teeth together. I closed my eyes and focused on the emotions inside the house. I felt happiness, love and confusion. Slowing breathing out the breath I was holding, I released my grip on the railing and glanced out at the canopy of the forest. Even though the sun was set, I could still see every detail of the forest. A knock on my door caused me to jump. I turned my head to see Mikey standing in the doorway, leaning causally against the frame, smiling at me.

“Hey,” he said.

“Hi,” I replied and his smile faded.

“Mum wants you downstairs in ten minutes,” he said. “What’s wrong, Willow?”

I shrugged and turned away, feeling his emotion. Worry. I shook my head and sighed.

“Mikey, why am I here?” I asked and he titled his head to the side.

“What do you mean?” he said and I gestured around me.

“Why am I here?” I repeated. “I mean, I shouldn’t be alive, ‘cause I was human born. No vampire is ever like that. Why me? Why am I the different one?”

“Willow,” he said, “just because you’re different, doesn’t mean we like you any more or any less. We like you because you’re you. The Willow we know is going to find the answers to those questions.”

I groaned and went to walk past him but he grasped my wrist and pulled me close to him. His lips met mine and I found myself kissing him back. His hands rested on my waist and I pulled away. I stared at him and stepped back.

“I have to go,” I whispered and jumped over the balcony, somersaulting in the air and my feet touched the ground. 

I glanced back over my shoulder and smiled a small smile at Mikey. A breeze swept around me and I caught the scent of blood. I clenched my teeth together and smirked at Mikey. His face dropped and he dashed back inside the house. I turned back around and followed the scent. When the inner town was appearing, I slowed down to a walk and stuffed my hands into my jeans pockets. The smell brought me to a night club and I stood in front of an alleyway. A door opened and two men walked out, one holding a girl. The men both smelt drunk and I stepped into the alleyway. One of the men looked up and nudged the other.

“Lookie here,” he slurred, “we have another volunteer. Come here sweetie.”

I smiled at him and he smiled back. One of the veins in his neck was calling to me and I needed to have his blood so badly. I stepped forward and he shoved me lightly against the wall. A red haze covered my vision and I clenched my hands into his shirt, pulling the man closer. My mouth was just centimetres away from his neck, fangs showing, when the sound of padding feet was heard. I hissed and threw the man away, watching as he collided with the wall. The other man backed away from me and I hissed at him, watching as he ran away. The girl stared at me and I lunged for her, grabbing her and sinking my fangs into her vein. My hand covered her mouth and I drank the sweet, delicious blood. The girl fell limp in my arms and I pulled away, staring at her. My eyes widened and my breath caught in my throat.

“I know you,” I whispered and the girl fell from my arms, landing with a slight thud on the ground.

I closed my eyes and concentrated, waiting for the blood lust to leave but I wanted more. I turned around to find four werewolves standing behind me. I hissed and jumped, wall jumping up and onto the roof. The moon shone, casting a bright glow of the town and a slight breeze blew past, ruffling my hair. I sighed and felt tears prick my eyes. I didn’t belong in this world. I knew that much. So how did I become a Halfling? I needed answers and the only person who was going to give them to me was someone who had control over my parents. The Wolf King.

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