Get over it

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“Wait, Mikey!” called Ray and sighed as the impatient fourteen-year-old ran off to get Frank.

Ray glanced at Gerard, who was looking down at the ground. The look on Gerard’s face told Ray everything.

“Why did you do that?” he asked and Gerard sighed.

“I didn’t know Mikey and her had a thing going on,” Gerard mumbled.

“Come on Gee. Frank and I saw it from the moment we met the girl. I thought you would have known as well,” Ray stated and Gerard shook his head.

“If I hadn’t of kissed her, she wouldn’t be in this situation,” he whispered and Ray sighed.

“Come on, we need to get to Oliviana,” he said and the eighteen year old nodded his head.

The two boys turned on their heels and ran for the caves that were cut off to the humans. Once at the cut off, the boys crawled under the fence and glanced around, to make sure that the place hadn’t been scented with humans. Nope, no humans anywhere. Ray sighed in relief and walked over to Olivianas’ cave.

“Oliviana,” called Gerard and the silhouette of a girl appeared.

The girl had slightly curly black hair, her eyes were as blue as the sky and every time Ray saw her, he would go a shade of red.

“Hey Gerard, Ray,” smiled Oliviana and Ray smiled back.

“How’s Willow holding up?” Gerard said and Oliviana looked worried, which was very unusual for her. 

“She could die,” she said and I closed my eyes, taking this in.

Willow couldn’t die; she was too much value to this realm. This realm needed her more than any other realm.

There are six different realms: Human, Underworld, Past, Future, Werewolf and Limbo. Only three are accessible for anybody. The others are only the ones who are immortal. Yeah different rules apply for different realms.

“Ray?” Oliviana clicked her fingers in front of Ray’s face and he blinked at her.

“Sorry,” he said and Oliviana smiled.

“How do we capture Hate?” Frank said and Ray glanced up to find him staring intently at Willow.

Mikey was biting his nails, watching Willow, who was lifeless. Gerard was staring at Mikey with a look of sorrow on his face and Ray groaned.

“Gerard can I talk to you please?” he hissed and he looked up.

“Yeah,” he mumbled, obviously knowing Ray was going to say.

“Look Gerard,” he said once they were out of ear shot. “You need to tell him how sorry you are. Mikey is going through a rough time and we need to stay together to help Willow.”

“I know Ray,” Gerard sighed and leant against a rock. “I just don’t think Mikey will listen. We use to be so close, then Willow shows up and then blah.”

“Use your connection,” Ray stated and Gerard stared at him.

“It doesn’t work that way,” Gerard shouted. “And how do you know about it?”

“Mikey,” Ray said and Gerard sighed. “Look just try. How does it work?”

“We can only feel anger, happiness and loneliness. Nothing else,” he said and Ray thought for a minute.

“Why not try talking to him,” Ray said and Gerard shook his head.

“Tried and can’t,” he stated and Ray crossed his arms, standing defensively.

“How hard did you try?” he asked and Gerard rolled his head back.

“Okay, Ray, I didn’t but I don’t know how to tell him,” Gerard groaned.

“Two words, I’m Sorry,” Ray said and Gerard shook his head at him.

“You always like this, Toro?” he asked and Ray shrugged.

“Sometimes,” he smiled and Gerard laughed. “Come one, we should get back.”

Gerard nodded and followed Ray back to the cave. He nudged Gerard on the shoulder and Gerard took a deep breath. Mikey suddenly looked up and stared at Gerard, who shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot. Mikey shook his head and looked at Oliviana. Gerard sighed and turned on his heels.

“Gee?” called Frank and Ray shook his head.

“Mikey if you can’t get over it, I’m through with this,” Gerard shouted and Mikey frowned.

“What do you mean?” he asked and Gerard groaned.

“I’ll leave the right side and go chill the Wolf King,” he snapped and Mikey shrank back.

Ray face-palmed and Frank looked from one brother to the next, confused. The two brothers glared at each other and Mikey shook his head, sighing. Oliviana suddenly gasped.

“I know how to capture Hate,” she exclaimed and grew quiet when she realized it wasn’t a really good time.

“Look, will you two seriously grow up?” Ray shouted and the two brothers flinched.

No one was ever used to hearing Ray shout because he hardly ever did but when he did, it never ended very well.

“I’m sick of being the one to bang your heads together just because you can’t agree with something. Now either make up or break up,” Ray snapped sternly and the brother sighed.

“Look Mikes, please?” Gerard said.

“Fine,” Mikey mumbled and Gerard sighed in relief.

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